"The Ballet of Jaquanna"
Period: to
Season 1
"Jaquanna Gets Pulled Over"
"The Monkey Movie"
"The Girls"
"The Jaladdin and Asmine Music Video"
"Alexander Frank"
"Betty's Kitchen"
"The Flight"
Period: to
LOTR Production
LOTR Theatrical Trailer
"Lord of the Rings" World Premiere
"A Thousand Miles"
"Signs 2"
Period: to
Season 2
"TV Repair Man"
"Office Girls"
"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"
"Deanna Frank"
"Salvation Army"
Period: to
Season 3
"Meghan's Ultimate Slideshow"
"Dive In"
"Ugly Girl"
"Keep It On Going"
"Najada's Audition"
Period: to
JW Production
JW Teaser Trailer
JW Theatrical Trailer
"Jedi Wars" World Premiere
"Mary Frank"
Period: to
MTLS Production
MTLS Doc. #1
MTLS Doc. #2
MTLS Teaser Trailer
Website Debut Promo
MTLS Doc. #3
MTLS Doc. #4
Archives Promo
MTLS Doc. #5
MTLS Doc. #6
MTLS Doc. #7
MTLS Doc. #8
MTLS Doc. #9
MTLS Doc. #10
MTLS Theatrical Trailer
MTLS Doc. #11
MTLS Doc. #12
Period: to
The Lucky I Production
"Munchinton The Last Stand" World Premiere
"Premiere Highlights"
"The Lucky"
Christian Video Promo
"Nike Naked"
Period: to
Utter Mayhem Production
"Jimmy J. Johnson"
"Francis Frank"
"The Typewriter"
"Only Hope"
Grumis' Website Promo
"Utter Mayhem" Premiere Episode
"Divine Words With Jesus - Homosexuality"
"Munchins' Reaction Video"
"Walking With Grumis"
"LBF News"
"You Are My Treasured Possession"
"Symphony Talk - Clarinet"
"The Eagle Song"
"15 Years of Filmmaking" Highlight Video
"The Gregorian Chant"
"The Importance of Eyes"
"Cooking With Angelina"
"Aloha from Oahu"
"Symphony Talk - Oboe"
"Divine Words With Jesus - Capital Punishment"
LBF Update - Oct. '10
"Suspicious Activities"
Period: to
The Lucky II Production
"Divine Words with Jesus - Christmas"
"Sleigh Ride"
Period: to
The Lucky III Production
"Utter Mayhem Behind The Scenes Teaser Trailer"
"Behind the Scenes of "The Lucky 1""
Utter Mayhem Doc. #1 - The Premiere Episode
"The Lucky II" Teaser Trailer
"The Lucky II - Star of the County Down"
Utter Mayhem Doc. #2 - Summer 2009
Utter Mayhem Doc. #3 - Aloha From Oahu
"May Day"
Utter Mayhem Doc. #4 - Recording Sleigh Ride
"The Lucky III" Teaser Trailer1
"Behind the Scenes of "The Lucky II""
Utter Mayhem Doc. #5 - Filming Sleigh Ride
"The Lucky III" Teaser Trailer2
"The Lucky III" Teaser Trailer3
"The Lucky III"