Spain deposes Peru's viceroy Ambrosio O'Higgins for his revolutionary leanings
Period: to
Latin American History
A constitution is adopted in Haiti, where there are virtually no whites left with Toussaint president for life
France invades Haiti and deports Toussaint
France tricks and kills Haiti's rebel Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti (the former French colony of Saint-Dominique) declares independence from France
Haitian troops takes Argentina from Spain
Haiti's "emperor" Jean-Jacques Dessalines is overthrown by the army
Haiti splits into two
Local military kicks British army out of Argentina
Napolean invades Portugal
Napoleon's France invades Spain and Portugal.
Dom Joao VI of Portugal moves the capital to Rio
The viceroy of Nueva Espana declares independence from Napoleon's Spain
Brazil signs a trade treaty with Britain that de facto grants Britain a monopoly in Brazil
The viceroy of Argentina is ousted and Mariano Moreno assumes power
Mexican priest Miguel Hidalgo issues his "grito de dolores".
He leads a failed insurrection by Indios against white people in which thousands die. -
Miguel Hidalgo is executed
A congress led by Bolivar and Miranda declares the independence of Venezuela
Jose Miguel Carrera takes power in Chile
Britain exports more goods to Brazil than to all of Asia combined
Spain accepts a liberal constitution for Spanish America
Bolivar invades Venezuela from Nueva Grenada
Argentina outlaws slavery, torture, and the Inquisition
Britain occupies Guyana
Ferdinand VII sends Spanish troops led by general Pablo Morillo to restore order in Nueva Grenada
Nueva Granada/Colombia abolishes slavery
Brazil invades Uruguay
Chile declares its independence from Spain, wi
Bolivar defeats the Spanish at the battle of Boyaca near Bogota (Colombia)
Portugal defeats and exiles the gaucho caudillo Artigas, and Uruguay is reconquered by Brazil
Argentina is devastated by Civil War.
Mexico declares independence
Brazil declares independence
Haiti invades the Dominican Republic
Ecuador achieves independence from Spain
Prince Pedro declares Brazil's independence
Monroe Doctrine formed by U.S shows their opposition to European ambitions in the Americas
Slavery is abolished in Chile
Brazil enacts a monarchical constitution
There are ten independent countries in Latin America: Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Haiti, Paraguay, La Plata, Brazil
There are five revolutions in one year in Chile
Juan Manuel de Roses begins his rule of Rio de la Plata
Colombia and Bolivia win the war against Peru
After Bolivar dies, Gran colombia splits into the countries of Venezuela, Columbia, and Ecuador
Slavery is abolished in the British colonies
Mexico's dictator Santa Anna crushes a Texan uprising at the battle of the Alamo (San Antonio), but general Sam Houston defeats the Spanish and Texas declares its independence
The United Provinces of Central America is dissolved, making Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua independent
Mexican American war begins
Caste War in Yucatan begins
Mexican American wars end
Beginning of railroad construction in Cuba, Chile, and Brazil
Juan Manuel de Roses rule of Rio de la Plata ends
Benito Juarez leads Mexican reform
Caste War in Yucatan ends
Beginning of French intervention in Mexico
War of the Triple Alliance involving Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay against Paraguay
End of French intervention in Mexico
Ten year war against Spain in Cuba
First female school in Mexico
End of war of Triple Alliance
Porfiro Diaz rule of Mexico begins
End of Ten Year war
Cuba and Bazil abolish slavery.
Fall of Brazilian Empire
Cuban Spanish American War begins
Cuban Spanish-American war ends
Cuba becomes a republic
The USA brokers a peace in Colombia, after 120,000 people have been killed
Riots to protest against inflation in Chile's capital Santiago leave more than 300 people dead
The government of Chile massacres striking miners in Iquique
Porfirio Diaz rule of Mexico ends
The USA occupies Haiti to end a civil war