Period: 6000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Neolithic period
- Discovery of agriculture, the community begins to specialize in other issues, such as pottery or steel. Time of barter.
- There is international barter, much of it in India, Egypt, Phenicia, Carthage, Greece and Rome.
Period: 801 to 1500
Cover from the 9th to the 15th century -
Period: 1430 to Aug 13, 1521
The Tianguis
The Aztecs ordered huge markets with order. The word tianguis comes from the origin Nahuatl was an open-air market. Tenochtitlan was the meeting place to practice this type of barter. They marketed with slaves, grains, animals, herbs, ceramic objects, stone, wood, leather and textiles. -
Comercial Routes
Transcontinental trade routes began to be created that tried to supply the high European demand for goods and merchandise, especially luxury goods. -
End Feudalism
Feuds are being replaced by capitalist forms of operation. The merchant seizes the new figures of commercial relationship: Market, Money, Merchandise. -
Period: 1500 to
He argued that nations would achieve wealth, if they could accumulate precious metals. -
The currency arises in Mexico
Period: 1571 to
Thomas Mun
Placed as the main objective the growth of national wealth, and although he still considered that gold was the main wealth, he admitted that there were other sources of wealth, such as merchandise. -
Transatlantic Trade
The cruises improve in an amazing way with the passage of the sailboat to the steamboat. -
The trading company of the East Indians is founded.
Period: to
Jean Baptiste Colbert
He promote protectionism and create a system of rewards to stimulate export. -
Spain took the first steps to free trade from its colonies.
The basis of Spain's economy were its colonies, especially New Spain, where goods were pre-empted and imported from the metropolis. -
Agustín de Iturbide
He comes to power making certain reforms to foreign trade. -
Period: to
Free trade in the colonies.
At the end of the 19th century, Mexico was one of the most protectionist countries in the world.
Vicente Guerrero
As President of the Republic prohibited the introduction of iron spurs, spirits of foreign factories, all kinds of farming tools used in the country. -
Period: to
The Great Depression
It reduces the country's foreign trade to just over half. -
Cárdenas decrees oil expropriation
Creation of the GATT
(General Agreement on Tariffs). Tariffs are eliminated through this. -
Creation of the OAS
(Organization of American States). -
There is greater development with monetary stability, more exports, imports are adjusted, and budget balance is maintained, credit solidity is achieved and external payment capacity is strengthened.
The Latin American Integration Association was created. -
Period: to
Mexico's foreign policy
Was active and maintained a strong international presence, since it expanded Mexico's presence in forums and international organizations. -
A general internal tariff of Maritime Customs is issued to the free trade of the empire.
Creation of the WTO
(World Trade Organization). -
The treaty enters into force where Mexico, the US and Canada agree to eliminate obstacles to trade and facilitate the trilateral movement of goods and services between them. -
The Mexico-Bolivia Treaty enters into force.
The Mexico-Colombia free trade agreement enters into force.
The Mexico-Costa Rica treaty enters into force.
The Mexico-Nicaragua Treaty enters into force.
The Mexico-Chile Treaty enters into force.
The treaty between Mexico and the European Union enters into force.
The Mexico-Israel treaty enters into force.
The treaty enters into force between Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) enters into force
The Mexico-Uruguay treaty enters into force.
The Mexico-Japan treaty enters into force.
The Mexico-Panama Treaty enters into force.
Elaborada por:
- Adrián Mendoza Rodríguez
- Anahí Ostria Cabañas
- Eduardo Aguilar Ríos
- Erandeny Maricruz Cortes Hernández
- Karla Joselyn Orozco Enciso Grupo: 2 “A”