Jun 1, 1522
Intellectual Disabilites document in ancient Egypt
Hereditary Genius Published
The Jukes; A study in Crime,, Pauperism, Disease, and Heridity published
Emergence of Psychological Testing.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) enacted
Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)
1st law to specifically address students with disabilities. -
Mills v. Board of Education
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens v. Pennsylvania
Parents fought for children who were being denied an education because they were mentally retarded. -
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act signed
This act was an amendment to the EHA of 1970 -
Title of EAHCA changed to the Individuals with Disabilites Education Act (IDEA)
1966 the Bureau for hte Education of the Handicapped (BEH) enacted