Medical putting on gloves

History of Infection Prevention

  • Period: to

    History of Infection Prevention

  • Hand Washing

    Hand Washing
    The concept of hand-washing to prevent infections was introduced by Ignaz Semmelweis
  • Discovery of Antiseptics

    Discovery of Antiseptics
    Dr. Joseph Lister began using carbolic acid, also known as phenol, as an antiseptic to prevent infections in wounds.
  • Publication of Lister's Findings

    Publication of Lister's Findings
    Lister published his successful methods for decreasing infection rates in a medical journal dubbed "The Lancet". It took 12 years for his discoveries to gain widespread acceptance.
  • Steam Sterilization of Instruments

    Steam Sterilization of Instruments
    Ernst Von Bergmann, a German physician, is credited with introducing the sterilization of wound dressings as well as other medical equipment. His methods set the standard for modern sterilization techniques.
  • Introduction of Gloves

    Introduction of Gloves
    William Stuart Halstead, an American surgeon, introduced sterile rubber gloves to surgery, further minimizing cross-contamination between healthcare workers and patients.
  • Fleming's Findings

    Fleming's Findings
    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first true antibiotic, in 1928. It took a over a decade for it to be implemented as a bacterial infection treatment.
  • Discovery of Cephalosporins

    Discovery of Cephalosporins
    Cephalosporin C was isolated and tested. After finding positive results, it began to be mass produced. Cephalosporins can treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is similar to penicillin.
  • Implementation of Standard Gown and Glove PPE

    Implementation of Standard Gown and Glove PPE
    The CDC added the use of gowns and gloves into their guidelines for preventing infections in hospitals, particularly isolation units.
  • Face Shields and Eye Masks

    Face Shields and Eye Masks
    In 1985, the CDC expanded its guidelines to include face masks and eye shields in order to protect mucous membranes amongst heightened alert to exposure to blood and body fluids.