4000 BCE
Birth of the Indus Valley Civilization
This is when there was first farming settlements starting to pop up around the North-West corner of India -
2000 BCE
Pepper was introduced into cooking -
1500 BCE
Vedic Period
The end of the urban Indus Valley and the second urban urbanization. This is when Hinduism arose in the area. -
1000 BCE
Aryans Migrate into India
The Aryans (nomadic people from Asia) expand into the Indus and Ganges Valleys in India -
700 BCE
India Divided
India gets divided into into 16 different Aryan states -
700 BCE
Charvaka develop many schools, creating the basis of Hinduism and philosophy -
527 BCE
The birth of the religion of Vardhamana which has most of the basic 'rules' in modern religion in India such as how the cow is holy -
180 BCE
Indo-Greek Rule
Demetrios wins in battle and begins the Yona or Greek period in Indian history -
Introduction of Buddhism
Under the rule of Ashoka he converted India to Buddhism and had it spread throughout Asia. -
Muslims Invade
Muslim armies invade a part of India and try to spread their religion -
Europeans Land
Vasco da Gama is the first European explorer to reach India and Christianity was soon introduced after that -
Taj Mahal
Shah Jahan, the ruler of the Mughal Empire, builds the Taj Mahal for his wife -
Converting to Muslim
Aurangzeb ruled India and tried to force Hindus to convert to Islam -
British Rule
The British took over India by an Indian Viceroy -
Split of Bengal
The British split the state of Bengal into two separate states; one Hindu and one Muslim -
Indian National Congress
The Indian National Congress was formed. It was the first modern nationalist movement to emerge in the British Empire. -
Start of WWI
The start of World War 1 which Indian troops were apart of by sending troops to fight with the British. -
End of WWI
They fought most of their battles in East and North Africa -
Amristar Massacre
A crowd of non-violent protesters were fired upon by British Indian Army. -
Gandhi becomes the leader of the Indian independence movement -
Start of WWII
India again was supplying troops to Britain -
People demanded that a new country for Muslim Indians be created -
End of WWII
The end of WWII when America dropped atomic bombs on Japan and then they later surrendered, -
British grants India independence but it wouldn't become an actual country like India we know now until a year later when the separated Pakistan and India -
Independence II
This is when British officially 'cut ties' with Indian when Britisha and Indian officials decided to separate India and Pakistan (Pakistan was for Muslim Indians) -
First Indian-Pakistan War
War with Pakistan over disputed territory of Kashmir. -
Caste System
The Caste system was officially outlawed but its still in use in modern times. -
New Constitution
The New Indian Constitution was ratified and they named their first Prime Minister (Jawaharlal Nehru) -
Second Indian-Pakistan War
Second war with Pakistan over Kashmir. -
Third Indian-Pakistan War
Third war with Pakistan over creation of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan. -
One Billionth Citizen
On May 11th India welcomed its one billionth citizen, to put into perspective on how many people that is, there is 7.5 billion on Earth. about 1/7 of those people are just in that one country. -
First Woman President
The first woman President (Pratibha Patil) -
Same-Sex Relationships
A Dehli court rules that homosexual intercourse is legal between adults above the consent age