History of India

By 202212
  • 3500 BCE

    Indus River Valley Settlement begins

    Indus River Valley Settlement begins
    The people lived in mud homes in cities. Some had indoor plumbing, like toilets, for example. They sold toys and pots in stores. They had writing, measuring, and counting systems.
  • 1500 BCE

    Aryans settle in India

    Aryans settle in India
    They were shepherds from Central Asia. They controlled the religion and their capital was present-day Delhi. They wrote Hindu scripture called the Vedas, which greatly influenced India's history.
  • 269 BCE

    Ashoka rules

    Ashoka rules
    During King Ashoka's reign, buddhism flourished. He built temples and tried to teach peace and respect to his people.
  • 300

    Gupta Dynasty is founded

    Gupta Dynasty is founded
    The time of the Gupta dynasty was one full of music and dance. At the same time, mathematicians devoped decimals.
  • Mar 22, 1498

    Vasco da Gama is the first European to arrive in India

    Vasco da Gama is the first European to arrive in India
    The items, such as spices and silk, that he found led other Europeans, and soon, Portugal, France, the Netherlands, and England all had trading stations in India.
  • Mar 22, 1526

    The Mughal Empire begins

    The Mughal Empire begins
    At age 12, Babar became king of what is now Uzbekistan. After part of his father's kingdom was lost, he created an empire in India. His male posterity always fought for a bigger empire and almost ruled all of India. The were known as Mughals, and ruled for 150 years.
  • The British govern India

    The British govern India
    The British discriminated the Indians, who began to fight back to gain freedom.
  • Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharal Nehru lead independence movement

    Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharal Nehru lead independence movement
    Gandhi and Nehru teach people to peacefully resist the British. They boycotted British goods and did not follow unfair laws.
  • India is free

    India is free
    After lots of protesting and boycotting, India finally escapes British rule. Jawaharal Nehru becomes India's first prime minister.
  • Pakistan seperates from India

    Pakistan seperates from India
    Muslims and Hindus fought so much that they seperated into two countries: Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. Pakistan was two seperate land areas on either side of India, known as East and West Pakistan. Many people were on the wrong side of the border and violence broke out. Close to one million people died, or lost their homes and land in the fight.
  • Mother Teresa dies

    Mother Teresa dies
    Mother Teresa of Calculetta died. She had done many things for the poor, abandoned, and sick. She built homes, taught children, and lead thousands of missionaries
  • U.S. and India sign nuclear deal

    U.S. and India sign nuclear deal
    During a visit with U.S. president George W. Bush, India and U.S. sign a nuclear deal.