History of India

  • Period: Jan 11, 1450 to

    Indias newer history

  • Jan 1, 1498

    Vasco Da Gama discovers a new sea-route to India

  • Jan 11, 1510

    The Portuguese set up trading posts in Goa, Daman, Diu and Bombay

  • Denmark established in 1620, Fort Dansborg at Tranquebar

    The Danish also established several commercial outposts, governed from Tranquebar:
    1696 - 1722 Oddeway Torre on the Malabar coast.
    1698 - 1714 Dannemarksnagore at Gondalpara, southeast of Chandernagore.
    1752 - 1791 Calicut.
    October 1755 Frederiksnagore at Serampore, in present-day West Bengal.
    1754/1756 the Nicobar Islands under the name Frederiksøerne.
    1763 Balasore (already occupied 1636-1643).
  • The British East Indian Company gained control of all Indian Trade.

    The Battle of Plassey established the British East India Company's dominance over the Indian subcontinent. The Company defeated the Nawab of Bengal and installed a puppet ruler, enabling British business ventures in the region and allowing the Company to control trade from the national to the local level.
  • First war of independence

  • after a failed attempt of mutiny, The British took over and ruled India.

  • Pakistan and India declare independance

    Disputes between India and Pakistan stem from the 1947 British partitioning of India into two independent nations. The region's predominantly Muslim provinces were divided into East and West Pakistan, while predominantly Hindu areas became modern India. The border between the two states was conceived and finalized by the British lawyer Cyril Radcliffe. Boundaries were drawn hastily, using outdated census reports and maps.