Brown v. Board of Education
Ending segregation and the doctrine of separate but equal, This case set the legal precedent for ending segration of exceptional learners. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Paved the way for federally funded special education by calling for an early version of FAPE and setting up subsidized payments to schools to help with teaching low income students -
In the 1970s a group of researchers found that students who received targeted and early interventions for skill gaps were able to reach grade level. These researchers developed a multi-tiered approach to education and since it has shown great results in many schools across the United States. -
P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania
Thois case determined that practices by Pennsylvania did not comply with Brown v Board and were unfair and in violation of the rights of those students. -
Congressional Investigation in School Discrimination
After PARC and Mills congress decided to look into how many students were being denied a fair education. The DOE determined that almost 4 million students were being denied access to an education and some over 1.5 ,million of those students were not even in a school. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
A law protecting the rights of all disabled children to receive the same quality of education that thier peers recive. -
Board of Education v. Rowley
Added the FAPE amendment to IDEA -
Decided that school districts were responcible for the education of students with severe disabilities, or are responcible for paying for alternative placement and residance if unable to provide those services in school. -
Honig v. Doe
This case determined that a school could not seek disaplinary actions, specifically removal, of a student for behiviors arising out of thier disability without the due process of an IEP meeting. -
The current guiding law of Special Education, creating the guidework for all subsequent special education laws and revisions to the IDEA -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Forbid the discrimination of public building (including schools) for people with disabilities. For students with physcial disabilities this ment schools were required to provide access and education for all students. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Expanding the catagories of disabilities to include brain injury and AUtisim. This would directly influence the IDEA catagories of special education in 1990 -
IDEA Improvement Act
Renewed the IDEA as well as added many provisons including the creation of the IEP, a document that today is the focal point of the education of exceptional learners -
IDEA ammendments
IDEA is amended to include early access to intervention, greater accountability for teachers, and more strict standards for special education teachers