Ice cream

history of ice cream

  • Period: 37 BCE to 68 BCE

    creaction of ice cream

    ice cream was fist know in by a Roman emperor Nero who ordered ice cream to be brought to him from the mountains nd combined with fruit toppings
  • came to America

    came to America
    After this dessert was imported to America and it was served by famous Americans
  • first ice cream parlor

    first ice cream parlor
    the first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York. American colonist were the first to use the term "Ice cream" they got it from the word iced cream which was from iced tea but later changed it to ice cream.
  • first man made machine for ice cream

    first man made machine for ice cream
    Nancy Johnson patented a hand--cranked freezer hat established the basic method of making ice cream
  • ice cream great invention

    ice cream great invention
    Alfred Cralle patented an ice cream mold and scooper used to serve ice cream easier.
  • ice cream trucks

    ice cream trucks
    Harry Burt invented the good humor ice cream bar he sold them in ice cream trucks with a bell and uniforms
  • ice cream freezer

    ice cream freezer
    it was first commercially successful processed freezer for ice cream by Clarence Vogt.