3000 BCE
Minoans 3000-1430 B.C.
Built drainage -
3000 BCE
Egyptians 3000-1500 B.C
Primitive medicine due in part to priest-physicians -
2080 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
Contained laws pertaining to health practices and physicians -
1500 BCE
Hebrews around 1500 B.C
Extended the Egyptian hygienic thought -
1430 BCE
Myceneans 1430-1150 B.C
System toilets and water flushing system -
1000 BCE
Greeks 1000-400 B.C
Fisrt to put emphasis on disease prevention -
500 BCE
Middle Ages 500 B.C -A.D 1500
Many health advances lost, great epidemics -
460 BCE
Roman Empire 460-377 B.C
Built an extensive aqueduct system. -
430 BCE
Hippocrates 430-377 B.C
Theory of disease causation -
Renaissence A.D 1500-1700
"Rebirth", Health board formed in Italy -
Age on Enlightenment 1700s
Scientific advancements continued throughout this period. Miasmas Theory. -
Federal government started a public health service -
The 1800s
Public health problems: smallpox, cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis. -
Edwin Chadwick
Report on an Inquiry into the sanitary conditions of the laboring populations of Great Britain -
Formation of general board of health for England -
Dr. Snow removes pump handle in London, hypothesized the cholera disease. -
Louis Pasteur proposes gem theory -
Common Wealth of Massachusetts established a state board of health -
bacteriological period of public health -
Congress created the National Board of Health -
38 states had establish state boards of health -
The Great Public Health Achievements 1900-1999
Vaccination, motor vehicle safety, safer workplaces, control of infectious diseases, safer and healthier foods, family planning, recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard -
marine Hospital was dropped from the name and the service became known as the U.S public health service -
The movement of healthier work place conditions was established -
Research related to school health education -
Public health education section of the APHA was founded -
President Roosevelt created numerous agencies and programs as part of his new deal -
Social Security Act provided support for state health department and their programs -
The school of health section of the American Public health Association was formed -
Federal government passed major legislation designed to improve the health of the U.S population -
Congress passed medicare and medicaid -
First national effort to promote the health of citizens. -
Promoting health/ preventing disease objectives for the nation was released -
Healthy People 2000
national Health Promotion and disease prevention objectives was released -
The standard occupational classification policy review committee approved the creation of new distinct classification for the occupation of health educator. -
Healthy People 2010
understanding and improving health -
National Health Education standars second edition released in 2006 by the American Cancer Society -
Healthy People 2020
will guide U.S public health practice and health education specialists for the next 10 years. -
President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act.