Worcester, Mass opens first special school for gifted children.
Lewis Terman publishes the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
LuLu Stedman established "opportunity room" within the University training School at University of California, Southern Branch
Leta Hollingworth published "Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture"
National Association of Gifted Children founded under Ann Isaacs
Soviet Union Lauches Sputnik
This event lead to the need to find "bright minds" in Math, Science and Technology. -
The Marland Report- first formal definiton of giftedness in a broad sense, including a wider understanding of gifted areas.
Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act passed by Congress. Part of Reauthorization of ESEA
NAGC publishes PK-12 Gifted Program Standards to guide gifted programs.
NCLB reauthorized ESEA. Javits program included and expanded to offer competitive statewide grants. Definition of Gifted and Talented is modified.
NAGS publishes Gifted Ed standards for Teacher training programs.
PreK-12 Gifted Programming Standards revised
NAGC Teacher preparation standards for Gifted Education revised.