History of Gifted Education

  • The first true intelligence test

    The first true intelligence test
    Although others before them had tried Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon were the first to create a true intelligence test.
  • Terman begins his search for gifted children

    Terman begins his search for gifted children
    Terman is known as the father to the gifted movement due to his work with gifted children. He searched the globe for children with an IQ of 135 or higher.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik it made Americans go in search of their intelligent children to compete in this world.
  • 3 Major Cities Model Gifted Programs

    3 Major Cities Model Gifted Programs
    Chicago, San Diego, and New York all model gifted programs. They pioneered a variety of gifted models in educating students in an urban school system.
  • Three Rings Model

    Three Rings Model
    Joseph Renzulli’s contribution to gifted education helped us see the behaviors of gifted children rather than only looking at intelligence.
  • Gifted and Talented Students Education Act

    Gifted and Talented Students Education Act
    Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act helps provide equal opportunities for all students.