William Torrey Harris begins the quest to educate Gifted Learners
William Torrey Harris was School Superintendent who "introduced into the curriculum such studies as art, music, science, and manual arts, and he favored the professional study of education for teachers in training. He worked to extend the public high school and incorporated the kindergarten into the regular school system of St. Louis." https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Torrey-Harris -
Worcester, Massachusetts opens first school for gifted children
Binet and Simon create a test for inferior children
"One of Binet's significant contributions was
the notion of mental age-the concept that children
grow in intelligence, that any given child may be at
the proper stage intellectually for his or her years, or
else measurably ahead or behind. A related notion is
that, at any given age level, children who learn the
most do so partly because of greater intelligence."(http://people.uncw.edu/caropresoe/GiftedFoundations/SummerI-010/Caropreso/Education%20of%20the%20Gifted%20and%20Talented%20CH%201.pdf) -
Henry Goddard Brings the concept of the Binet-Simon test back to America
Henry Goddard was a psychologist who was trying to find a testing system to test "Morons", (as he coined the term). "In the summer of 1908, Goddard made a two-month sojourn to Europe to study methods other researchers used in working with mentally challenged children." (http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/01/assessment.aspx) -
Lewis Terman Publishes the Binet-Simon Intelligence Test
"Terman ... became professor of education in 1916, the year he published The Measurement of Intelligence, a guide for his Stanford revision and enlargement of the earlier Binet-Simon intelligence scale developed in France. Scoring on the test was signified by the intelligence quotient, or IQ, which takes account of both chronological age and mental age so that the average child of any age has an IQ of 100." (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lewis-Terman) -
Leta Hollingworth publishes "Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture."
This is considered to be the first Textbook on gifted education. -
Ann Isaacs founds the National Association of Gifted Children
National Defense Education Act passes Legislation
according www.britannica.com, "The goal of the legislation was to enable the country's education system to meet the demands posed by National Security needs. Of particular concern was bolstering the US' ability to compete with the Soviet Union in the areas of science and technology." -
"Office of the Gifted and Talented" is given official status
The US Office of Education started the Office of the Gifted and Talented. -
Jacob Javitz Gifted and Talented Students Education Act is passed in Congress.
According to Wikipedia, "Instead of funding district-level gifted education programs, the Javits Act instead has three primary components: the research of effective methods of testing, identification, and programming, which is performed at the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented; the awarding of grants to colleges, states, and districts that focus on underrepresented populations of gifted students; and grants awarded to state and districts for program implementation." -
NAGC plublishes Pre-K through 12th grade Gifted Program Standards
They included:
Learning and Development
Curriculum & Instruction
Learning Environments
Professional Development(http://www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources/national-standards-gifted-and-talented-education/pre-k-grade-12) -
NAGC publishes national gifted education standards
These standards prepare the educators to be better teachers for gifted students. These standards were revised in 2013