History of Gifted Education

  • Binet-Simon IQ Test Developed

    Binet-Simon IQ Test Developed
    French psychologists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, produced the first true intelligence test. Unlike the previous sensory tests, their test measured vocabulary knowledge and thinking skills. This event is significant because their test was the first standardized method to measure giftedness. We also still use a version of this test today, which shows that it was a significant advancement and has withstood the test of time.
  • Lewis Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet

    Lewis Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet
    Stanford University psychologist Lewis M. Terman revised the French version Binet-Simon, improved, and adapted it for testing in the United States. This event is significant because it helped us to identify giftedness in children with physical data, rather than relying on observations alone.
  • Leta Hollingworth Publishes Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture

    Leta Hollingworth Publishes Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
    Hollingworth's book published the results of her study that aimed to better understand aspects of gifted children and gain insights as to what the best curriculum for them would be. This event is significant because Hollingworth was the first to write a comprehensive book on gifted children. Unlike Terman, she wanted to further the education of gifted children, not just study them.
  • National Association for Gifted Children Founded

    National Association for Gifted Children Founded
    Ann Issacs founded the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). This event is significant because NAGC has and continues to advocate for and support gifted students by partnering with parents, educators, researchers, and legislators across the nation.
  • Soviet Union Launches Sputnik

    Soviet Union Launches Sputnik
    The Soviet Union launches Sputnik which causes the United States to embrace the idea of identifying and challenging its most capable students. This event is significant because it pushed Americans to begin identifying and supporting advanced education in the areas of science and mathematics.
  • The Marland Report Published

    The Marland Report Published
    US Congress ordered educational commissioner Sidney Marland to assess and make recommendations on the state of education for high-ability learners. This event is significant because it introduced the definition of giftedness and encouraged schools and districts to put systems in place for this identified population.
  • Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences Presented

    Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences Presented
    Howard Gardner presents The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in his book Frames of Mind. This event is significant because it allowed students to recognize their individual strengths and gave educators the opportunity to understand how to support these strengths in the classroom.
  • Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act Passed

    Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act Passed
    The passing of this act created the Office of Gifted and Talented Education to focus on research and education. This event is significant because it proposed funding for programs or projects designed to meet the educational needs of gifted and talented children. This also includes the training of teachers and administrators.
  • Renzulli Proposes Three Ring Conception of Giftedness

    Renzulli Proposes Three Ring Conception of Giftedness
    Joseph Renzulli proposes that students must possess three factors to develop gifted behavior. These include above average ability, creativity, and task commitment. Students who possess the combination of these three traits exhibit gifted behavior. This event is significant because it added to the definition giftedness and allowed for students to be identified outside of traditional measures alone.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is passed and changes the definition of gifted and talented students. This event is significant because it put into legislation that programs should be created to support students so that their needs are met in the public education system. However, there have been many issues with implementation of this when it comes to gifted students.