History of Gifted Education

By huisman
  • Up in Space

    Up in Space
    When the Russians launched Sputnik into space, the American policy makers recognized the need for action since it was clear the Russians had beat us in this technological war. It suddenly became a priority to identify and target higher achieving American students. This spark led towards an uptick in programs like STEM, designed to target more advanced students in the hopes that we could further prepare our youth for a more competitive work force.
  • California Takes the Lead

    California Takes the Lead
    In 1963, California launches the first gifted education program in the city of San Diego. Illinois would soon follow with programs in Chicago.
  • National Center for Gifted Children

    National Center for Gifted Children
    The National Center for Gifted Children was created and established in 1971. Its mission is to support students, educators, and families in the area of giftedness. They also advocate for policy changes nationally.
  • Center for Talented Youth

    Center for Talented Youth
    In 1971, John Hopkins University began exploring the idea of gifted and talented learners. They established the Center for Talented Youth and began programming designed to address the needs of gifted learners.
  • Marland Report

    Marland Report
    The Marland Report was the first report at the federal level that clearly defined and delineated what giftedness means. The document provided the foundation on which states could build their policies to address and serve their gifted populations.
  • NCLB

    In 2001, the most comprehensive education reform bill was signed into law by former President George W. Bush. It was focused around the notion of school achievement and leveling the playing field for all students. Unfortunately, these policy changes led to a reduction in services for special education populations, including gifted learners. It mandated standardized testing and punished schools who were not performing well.