History of Gifted Education

By tweso
  • 1st School for Gifted Children

    1st School for Gifted Children
    Worcester, Massachusetts opened the first special school for gifted children.
  • Identification Revolutionized

    Identification Revolutionized
    Binet and Simon, develop a series of tests (Binet-Simon) to identify children of inferior intelligence for the purpose of separating them from normally functioning children for placement in special classrooms.
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    The Army Alpha and Beta were created and administered to over one million recruits, further legitimatizing intelligence testing in both academia and with the general public.
  • Hollingsworth Special Opportunity Class

    Hollingsworth Special Opportunity Class
    Leta S. Hollingworth begins the Special Opportunity Class at P. S. 165 in New York City for gifted students.
  • NAGC Founded

    NAGC Founded
    The National Association of Gifted Children is founded under the leadership of Ann Isaacs.
  • Funding Increased

    Funding Increased
    The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, sparking the United States to reexamine its human capital and quality of American schooling particularly in mathematics and science. As a result, substantial amounts of money pour into identifying the brightest and talented students who would best profit from advanced math, science, and technology programming.
  • Call for Action

    Call for Action
    National Excellence : The Case for Developing America's Talent, issued by the U.S. Department of Education, outlines how America neglects its most talented youth. The report also makes a number of recommendations influencing the last decade of research in the field of gifted education.
  • Standards Released

    Standards Released
    NAGC publishes national gifted education standards for teacher preparation programs and knowledge and skill standards in gifted education for all teachers. The standards were revised in 2013.