History of Gifted Education

  • 1st School for the Gifted

    1st School for the Gifted
    Massachussetts opened the first special school for gifted children.
  • Lewis Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet

    Lewis Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet
    Lewis Terman, the "father" of the gifted education movement, publishes the Stanford-Binet, forever changing the intellegence testing and face of American education.
  • NAGC is Founded

    NAGC is Founded
    The National Association for Gifted Children is founded under the leadership of Ann Isaacs.
  • $ For Quailty American Schooling

    $ For Quailty American Schooling
    The Soviet Union launches Sputnik , forcing the United States to reassess the quality of education in American schools. As a result, the brightest students who excelled in technology, math, and science would profit from programming.
  • Define Giftedness

    Define Giftedness
    The Marland Report- The first formal deffinition is issued encouraging schools to define giftedness broadly, along with academic and intellectual talent the definition includes leadership ability, visual and performing arts, creative or productive thinking, and psychomotor ability. (Psychomotor ability is later excluded)
  • NAGC Publishes Standards

    NAGC Publishes Standards
    The National Association for Gifted Children publishes Pre-K-Grade 12 standards to provide guidence in seven key areas for programs serving gifted and talented students. Standards were then again revised in 2010.