history of forensics timeline

By kiyah
  • Valentin Ross

    Valentin learned to detect poison, specifically arsenic in the stomach.
  • Marie Lafarge

    Marie was the first person to be convicted on a toxicological evidence. She poisoned her husband, by putting arsenic in his soup.
  • New York Police Department

    The oldest police department in the United States(173 years old). The Municipal Police, and New York's Finest is what it started off as.
  • Odelbrecht

    Odelbrecht, was the first to use photography for evidence documentation, crime scenes, identification.
  • Los Angeles

    First Crime Lab in the United States.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Developed the anthropometric system, and the invented the scientific method of identifying criminals.
  • Sir Frances Galton

    Galton, introduced how fingerprints can identify criminals.
  • Hans Gross

    "Founding Father" of criminal profiling, and he also established cross transfers such as, ( hair, dirt, fingerprints).
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl created the ABO system. He also discovered human blood groups.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore established the FBI.
  • FBI ( Federal Bureau Investigation)

    The FBI is 110 years old, started off as the Bureau of Investigation. The headquarters is in Washington,DC.
  • Leone Lattes

    Leone created a procedure on restoring dry blood and grouping ABO blood types.
  • Walter Specht

    Introduced Luminol testing for blood at crime scenes. The luminal turns blue in the presence of blood.
  • American Academy of Forensic Science

    Society for forensic professionals.
  • Doyle vs state of Texas

    The first case to legally amiss bite mark evidence.
  • Sir Alec Jeffreys

    Alec Jeffreys developed techniques for fingerprinting, and DNA profiling. His discoveries are still used to this day.
  • DNA evidence first used in a crime

    Tommie Lee was the first person in the US to be convicted off DNA Evidence. He was sentenced to 22 years in prison.
  • Innocent Project

    A non profit that exonerates falsely convicted people, using DNA evidence.
  • Tennessee vs Ware

    Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA), was first used in the US in this case. DNA was extracted from two strands of hair. Ware was convicted for a rape and murder.

    AFIS- Automated Fingerprinting Identification System used digital imaging technology to store, and analyze data.
    IAFIS- Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, national fingerprint and criminal history system ran by the FBI in the US.