The first use of the term "anthropology" in English to refer to a natural science of humanity was apparently in 1593, the first of the "logies" to be coined. -
John Toms Conviction
First used bullet comparison to catch a murderer. He traced the bullet back to the mold. -
Question Document Analysis
Frequently is found in cases of forgery, counterfeiting, mail fraud, kidnapping, con games, embezzlement, gambling, organized crime, white collar crime, art crime, theft, robbery, arson, burglary, homicide, serial murder, psychological profiling, and deviant sex crime. -
Polarized Microscope
These illumination techniques are most commonly used on birefringent samples where the polarized light interacts strongly with the sample and so generating contrast with the background. -
Bullet Flaws
A bullet in mid flightBullet designs have to solve two primary problems. In the barrel, they must first form a seal with the gun's bore. If a strong seal is not achieved, gas from the propellant charge leaks past the bullet, reducing efficiency and possibly accuracy. -
Microscopic Detection of Sperm
Professor of medicinal and forensic chemistry at Univ. of Paris, Considered the father of modern toxicology. Credited as the first to attempt the use of a microscope in the assessment of semen stains. -
Microscopic Hemin Crystals
A porphyrin chelate of iron, derived from red blood cells; the chloride of heme. It is used to treat the symptoms of various porphyrias. -
Microscopic Bullet Test
Comparison microscopy is used to establish identification and involves one of the following situations: Recovered firearm without related evidence Obtain test bullets for later comparison by test firing the recovered firearm.
Recovered firearm with related evidence Obtain test bullets from evidence firearm and compare to recovered bullet to determine if the recovered firearm fired the evidence bullet.
Recovered bullets without related firearm Perform intercomparison to determine if recovere -
Dry Plate Photography
With much of the complex chemistry work centralized into a factory, the new process simplified the work of photographers, allowing them to expand their business. -
There are three main types of contemporary metal handcuffs: chain (cuffs are held together by a short chain), hinged (since hinged handcuffs permit less movement than a chain cuff, they are generally considered to be more secure), and rigid solid bar handcuffs. -
Francis Henry Galton(Fingerprints)
Galton was the first to place the study on a scientific footing, which assisted its acceptance by the courts -
Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Workshops Unlimited was organized by Charlie Cole as a series of lectures for advanced students of Graphoanalysis. These lectures featured holistic graphologists such as Thea Lewinson and Klara Roman. -
Human Blood Groups
A1 Negative (A1 -ve)
A1 Positive (A1 +ve)
A1B Negative (A1B -ve)
A1B Positive (A1B +ve)
A2 Negative (A2 -ve)
A2 Positive (A2 +ve)
A2B Negative (A2B -ve)
A2B Positive (A2B +ve)
B Negative (B -ve)
B Positive (B +ve)
B1 Positive (B1 +ve)
O Negative (O -ve)
O Positive (O +ve) -
The FBI originated from a force of special agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. The two men first met when they both spoke at a meeting of the Baltimore Civil Service Reform Association. Roosevelt, then Civil Service commissioner, boasted of his reforms in federal law enforcement. It was 1892, a time when law enforcement was often political rather than professional. -
First Crime Lab
One of the first crime laboratories was established in 1910 in Lyon, France, by Edmond Locard, a physician. Locard helped work out scientific methods to investigate crimes. Alphonse Bertillon, a French statistician, developed a method of identifying persons according to their body measurements. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_was_the_world's_first_crime_laboratory_established#ixzz25jeDfrLz -
12 Matching Points
Before the mid-1800s, law enforcement officers with extraordinary visual memories, so-called "camera eyes," identified previously arrested offenders by sight. Photography lessened the burden on memory but was not the answer to the criminal identification problem. Personal appearances change. -
A polygraph (popularly referred to as a lie detector) measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions.[1] The belief is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers. -
Forensic sciences encompass a variety of scientific disciplines such as medicine, toxicology, anthropology, entomology, engineering, odontology, and of course, criminalistics. It is very difficult to provide an exact definition of criminalistics, or the extent of its application, as it varies from one location or country to another. However, the American Board of Criminalistics defines criminalistics as "that profession and scientific discipline directed to the recognition, identification, indiv