History of floral design

By 3003978
  • Period: 2800 BCE to 28 BCE

    Egyptian floral design

    Egyptian floral designs were heavily incorporated into Egyptian culture. these arrangements were often used as decorations, garlands, wreaths, and temple offerings. they used simplistic designs and typically consisted of singular flowers without foliage. Egyptian floral arrangements typically used flowers such as lotus, acacia, roses, water lilies, narcissus, and poppies.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 150

    Greek floral design

    Greek floral arrangements were used as a form of adornment. these arrangements used wreaths and garlands and is the origin of the cornucopia. these arrangements were known for being triangular and asymmetrical. they were usually a solid color and consisted of flowers and plants such as roses, hyacinths, lilies, iris, narcissus, grape leaves, and seed pods.
  • Period: 207 BCE to 220

    Chinese floral designs

    Chinese floral designs were the first to use water and containers to create floral arrangements. these arrangements were usually simplistic or used on alters and around the house religiously. these designs consist of three subcategories, Shin, Cyo, and So. shin and cyo used upright containers so the arrangements would grow upward, however So would grow at horizontal angle.
  • Period: 28 BCE to 325

    Roman floral design

    Roman floral designs incorporated most Greek principals however, Roman arrangements were more elaborate. these floral arrangements were less graceful and began to use flowers for fragrant purposes.
  • Period: 320 to 600

    Byzantines Floral design

    Byzantine floral arrangements were heavily influenced by the Greek and roman period influences and incorporated symmetrical designs using the same flowers and foliage. These arrangements usually used fruits and garlands in designs. these arrangements also used goblets and low containers as bases.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Renaissance floral design

    The renaissance influenced floral design heavily. Their arrangements were usually bright, symmetrical, and large with a more naturalistic look. they achieved this by using native flowers and foliage such as olives, daisies, ivy, violets, roses and more. these arrangements were usually used for religions purposes.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Flemish Floral design

    Flemish floral arrangements originated from the historic country of Flanders which now makes up Belgium France and Holland. Flemish floral arrangements incorporated asymmetrical designs that had a multitude of shapes, textures, and colors. Dimension and arrangement were important factors in these designs. flowers and foliage used in these arrangements consists of tulips, roses, marigolds, iris, weeping grasses, tropical flowers, fruit, shells, jewelry, and colorful fabrics
  • Period: 1470 to

    Japanese floral design

    Japanese floral arrangements consist of two subcategories which are Rikkwa and Ikebana. both Rikkwa and Ikebana were used for religious purposes. Rikkwa means standing flowers and were usually large, upright, and symmetrical designs. these designs commonly incorporated trees in the center to provide a foundation to the design and were more naturalistic, portraying a natural landscape. Ikebana usually had a balanced and rhythmic design. Ikebana placed an emphasis on lines rather than color.
  • Period: to

    Baroque floral design

    Baroque designs first consisted of symmetrical designs, however they slowly shifted to asymmetrical designs. These arrangements consisted of large containers with elaborate designs using a multitude of flowers which were iris, marigold, lily, peony, narcissus, and roses.
  • Period: to

    American floral design

    American floral design consists of four categories known as early American, colonial Williamsburg, American federal, and modern American. all of these styles are used as personal adornment and decorations. these arrangements were usually placed in household containers and incorporate flowers, grasses, and foliage such as, violet, sunflowers, marigolds, snapdragons, and weeping grasses.
  • Period: to

    Victorian floral design

    Victorian floral arrangements were usually asymmetrical and consisted of foliage and grasses to contrast textures. these arrangements usually used low containers. these arrangements were used by the wealthy upper class, or as a sign of affection. these arrangements used flowers such as tulips, lilies, anemones, dahlias, fuchsias, bleeding hearts, roses, and most common garden flowers