History of Ethics in Psychology Timeline.

  • 6500 BCE


    Surgical producer in which medicine man drills holes into a inflicted skull to "release demons". These types of producers were preformed by themselves with the help of no doctor. These procedures were often done without the permission of the test subjects.
  • Period: 6500 BCE to

    History of Ethics in Psychology

  • Tuskegee's Syphilis Study

    Over 6,000 black sharecroppers were studied to document disease in blacks and racial differences for syphilis. In this study medicine was banned for all people of color and were not allowed to receive any. The participant's were not informed in they carried this disease, allowing the disease to be untreated, and passed through spouses.
  • B.F. Skinner- operant Conditioning

    Using electrical shocks on animals. Skinner introduced this theory in 1937. He believed in the Law of Effect. He used animals to practice his behavior modification. He believed a behavior that was followed by a welcoming consequence was more likely to be repeated, where as if a behavior that had an unwelcoming consequence it would not be repeated.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    A study in which college students from Sandford University were to play the roles of prisoners, and guards for two weeks. This study was ended after only six days because of the harm it was doing to the college students. "The study revealed how reasonable people can become unreasonable and even sadistic when backed by ideological authority."(1972)

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. A privacy rule that ensures all information will be obtained and not shared with anyone. The participants have access to this information themselves. Participants must sign a disclosure form and is protected anonymously.