The Grammar Translation Method
Alson Known as the Grammar Translation Method was firstly associated with the translation of Greek and Latin since language learning in the centuries XVII, XVIII and XIX was just for those languages. No provision of oral abilities were seen in this method as its purpose was not for comunicatin -
The Direct Method
Francois Gouin (1880) Stated that L1 learning should be similiar to L1 learning;with lots of oral production, fexed sentences easy to understand rather than grammatical analysis. He reached this conclusion after he tried, unsuccesfully, to learn french. also after obseving his 5-year-old nephew. Then after him, Gouin and Berltiz would reach this conclusion too. -
The Audiolingual Method
Known as the Army Method at first. Its name is due to it was used to try spies in the World War II. Basically this method was based on oral production, pronunciation and vocabulary rather than grammatical explanation are an importnat factor when using this method.
In 1964 this method would have lost acknowlegemen since Wilaa Rivers would claim some bankrupts this method had. -
The "Designer" Methods of the 1970s
With chomsky and his new theories, it was a total revolution in linguistics. That's to say, new methods were also implemented. David Nunan (1989) referred to this as the Desginer Methods.such as: Suggestopedia, the Silent Way, strategies-based intruction and Communicative Language Teaching ( this last method is said to be and approach rather than a method). -
the Silent Way
According to Gattegno (1972), the learners learning process is better when they solve problems by themsleves or interacting with other students. in that way, it avoids the teacher from explaining everything. -
It is related to our brain power. Lozanov (1979) claimed that we have the capacity of learning more than we think if we feel relaxed while learning. so music, comfortable seats and environment are significant at the moment of applying this method. -
Strategies-based instruction
O'Malley and Chamot (1990), talked about the importance in what strategy is concerned, there some guidelines in order to develp this which can see in this book. (Brown, H. D. [2000: p, 137])