History of Engineering

By Drew328
  • 2700 BCE

    Egyptian Pyramids

    Egyptian Pyramids
    Egyptian Pyramids were built during this period. They were built in Giza ,Egypt
  • Period: 500 to

    The Medieval and Renaissance Period

    The Medieval and Renaissance period span lasted this long in Europe. Invention were being created all over Europe.
  • Period: Sep 6, 1163 to Sep 7, 1345

    Notre Dome de Paris

    The Norte Dome de Pans cathedral started building in 1163 and was completed in 1345
  • Period: Sep 6, 1382 to Sep 7, 1458

    Mariano di Iacopo

    Mariano di Iacopo wrote 2 books on mechanical engineering during the Renaissance period.
  • Newcomen steam

    Newcomen steam
    The Newcomen steam Engine was installed
  • The British Parliament

    The British Parliament passed legislation that creates the board of longitude.
  • Cotton mill

    The cotton mill was opened in England 1764
  • Cotton mill

    Cotton mill
    The first cotton mill opened in England
  • James Watt

    He developed a version of a engine that could drive factory machines
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    He invented the cotton gin.
  • Robert Fulton

    He completed the 196 foot long streamship
  • Period: to

    Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad was created
  • Period: to


    Dynamos, machines that convert rotational energy from a steam engine or waterwheel into electrical energy, provided efficient methods of generating electricity..
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison's light system was installed in new york city
  • George WestingHouse

    George WestingHouse AC became primary method of electrical distribution.
  • Guglie Marconi

    Guglie Marconi began experimenting with radio transmitters/Receivers with the goal of wireless telegraphy.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    They completed the first powered flight.
  • Henry ford

    Henry ford
    Henry ford created the first ford motor.
  • RCA

    The rca was formed (Radio Corporation of america)
  • NBC

    The RCA formed the NBC The first interconnected network of radio stations.
  • Period: to

    Experimental Computers

    Experimental Computers were created and tested
  • Univac selling

    Univac selling
    The first univac computer was sold over 1,000,000 dollars
  • Period: to


    Transistors were widely used in computers
  • IBM

    IBM introduced the PC into the market
  • Boeing 777

    Boeing 777 was engineered and was the most complex object at this point.
  • Computers

    Computers became more common in homes.