
History of Engineering

  • 2700 BCE

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Egyptian pyramids

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Egyptian pyramids
    The construction of the Egyptian pyramids
  • 200

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Romans

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Romans
    Romans built roads, aqueduct systems to provide drinking water, monuments and buildings
  • Sep 7, 1345

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris
    Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was constructed in the time period.
  • Jul 15, 1426

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Gutenberg

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Gutenberg
    Gutenberg began printing with individually cast metal letters
  • Sep 8, 1458

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Mechanical Engineering Books

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Mechanical Engineering Books
    Mariano di Iacopo wrote 2 books on mechanical engineering during the renaissance period
  • Engineering in Ancient Times - Medieval Europe's Engineering

    Engineering in Ancient Times - Medieval Europe's Engineering
    Medieval Europe didn't have any advances in technology or engineering (It was characterized) But they built cathedrals & castles
  • Industrial Revolution - Steam Engine

    Industrial Revolution - Steam Engine
    The Newcomen steam engine was installed
  • Industrial Revolution - Board of Longitude

    Industrial Revolution - Board of Longitude
    The British parliament passed legislation that created the board of longitude.
  • Industrial Revolution - First cotton mill

    The first cotton mill opened in England in 1764
  • Industrial Revolution - Water Frame

    Industrial Revolution - Water Frame
    The water frame spinned cotton into thread using water machinery.
  • Industrial Revolution - James Watt

    James Watt developed a version of an engine that could drive factory machines.
  • Industrial Revolution - Cotton Gin

    Industrial Revolution -  Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin
  • Industrial Revolution - Robert Fulton 196 foot long steamship

    Industrial Revolution - Robert Fulton 196 foot long steamship
    Robert Fulton completed 196 foot long steamship
  • Industrial Revolution - Steam powered printing press

    Industrial Revolution - Steam powered printing press
    Friedrich Koeing invented a steam powered printing press
  • The Rise of Corporation - The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Rise of Corporation - The Transcontinental Railroad
    The Transcontinental Railroad was created in 1862 to 1869 Linked Omaha, Nebraska with Sacramento, Ca
  • The Rise of Corporation - Dynamos

    Dynamos, machines that convert rotational energy from a steam engine or waterwheel into electrical energy, provided efficient methods of generating electricity (1870s)
  • The Rise of Corporation - Light System

    Thomas Edison's light system was installed in New York City
  • The Rise of Corporation - AC system

    Starting in 1892, George Westinghouse's AC system becomes primary method of electrical distribution.
  • The Rise of Corporation - Wireless Telegraphy experimenting

    Guglie Marconi began experimenting with radio transmitters/receivers with the goal of wireless telegraphy
  • The Rise of Corporation - First Powered Flight

    Wright brothers complete the first powered flight
  • The Rise of Corporation - Ford Motor Company

    The Rise of Corporation - Ford Motor Company
    Henry Ford created the Ford Motor company in 1903
  • Computer Age - RCA was formed

    Computer Age - RCA was formed
    The RCA was formed (Radio Corporation of America)
  • Computer Age - RCA formed the NBC

    Computer Age - RCA formed the NBC
    The RCA formed the NBC- The first interconnected network of radio stations
  • Computer Age - Experimental computers

    Experimental computers are created and tested. (These computers used vacuum tubes, mainly)
  • Computer Age

    The first univac I computer was sold for over $1,000,000 to the US Consenus Agency
  • Computer Age - Transistors in computers

    Computer Age - Transistors in computers
    Transistors were widely used in computers.
  • Computer Age - Microprocessors

    Computer Age - Microprocessors
    Microprocessors invented by Intel and Texas Industries.
  • Computer Age - IBM introduced PC

    Computer Age - IBM introduced PC
    IBM introduced the PC into the market
  • Computer Age - Boeing 777

    Computer Age - Boeing 777
    Boeing 777 was engineered and was the most complex object at this point
  • The Rise of Corporation - Computers in most homes

    Computers became more common in homes