Learning 3107773 1920

History of Educational Technology

  • 510 BCE

    Pythagoras Academy

    Pythagoras Academy
    Pythagoras Academy was the first school opened in Ancient Greece. It was found by Pythagoras.
  • 105

    Inventon of Paper in China

    Inventon of Paper in China
    Papermaking was invented in China, they started to use paper for writing. With the invention of paper, written communication age started.
  • 382

    Manuscript Transcription

    Manuscript Transcription
    Manuscripts were transcripted by the people. Around this time, in 389 AD, Plato's Academy made a new movement.
  • 600

    Woodblock Printing

    Woodblock Printing
    After the invention of paper, Woodblock printing was invented in China.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    The printing press was introduced to the West in the Holy Roman Empire by Johannes Gutenberg. Books became more avaliable, but only the rich or noble people could have them.
  • Public Education

    Public Education
    The first public school in the was founded in 1600's. This school is known as the Boston Latin School.
  • Blackboards and Chalkboards

    Blackboards and Chalkboards
    Around 1700's blackboards and chalkboards were used in public education.
  • Broadcasting

    In the late 18th century, broadasting were introduced. BBC began broadcasting educational programs for schools in the 1920's. Also broadcasts with satellites were used but it can not used much because there were too few educational programs.
  • Film Strip Projectors

    Film Strip Projectors
    In the audio-visual age, after the invention of radio, film strip projectors became avaliable in the classrooms.
  • Introducing Television to the Classroom

    Introducing Television to the Classroom
    The TV were introduced to the classrooms after the projectors.
  • VHS Tape, VCR

    VHS Tape, VCR
    After the television, VHS tapes were started to used in the classrooms.
  • Audio Tape

    Audio Tape
    Audio tapes became a great educational tool by its practicality.
  • Computer Age

    Computer Age
    Computers were invented in 1940's but they became avaliable in the 1990's. Computers were a big event in the educational technology. Also, the first smart white board were invented in this phase.
  • The Digital Age

    The Digital Age
    Being able to communicate with the whole world by internet made the communication easier.
  • The Interactive Age

    The Interactive Age
    In the beginning of 21st century, the year 2000 is the new age of educational technology. Smart phones, improved computers made the education more advanced.