Board of Education
I feel that having a more universal type of education will greater benefit all. If we were to all go to schools with drastically different values & standards than how would we ever judge who knows enough to be qualified for a job. Since even though two people may know an equal amount of knowledge it could be on entirely different subjects and how are we to than pick which subjects really matter. I very much believe that while standardized tests are annoying that standardized learning is ideal. -
Roberts v. City of Boston (separate but equal)
While I don't like the idea of setting anyone apart in a way that negativity impacts them or makes them feel bad, I do think this case helped to get the ball rolling on a important change in education. I feel as though each individual is able to do their best learning when they're made comfortable. By this I do not mean that the student gets to sit in a hot tub while they take notes, but that each student should come to school and be ready to focus on learning instead of stereotypes & judgement. -
Cardinal Principles Report
One thing I have always been big on is equality and fairness in all things. Education in particular though is something that I very strongly feel should be offered to everyone. Not only should everyone be offered an education but in a world so competitive as today's everyone should receive the same opportunity to learn well and to learn what all others are learning. So that they are given roughly the same odds as all others to be able to succeed in today's society. -
Women's Suffrage
Allowing women to teach not only played a dramatic role in the overall history of education but also is something that has directly impacted my family over and over again through out the generations; as many of my elder female relatives are or were teachers and I am actively working to become one. Giving women the option to teach is something that I think not only effects grown women looking to become teachers but also is something that can effect the students and their learning as well. -
Public Law 94-142 IDEA
To me realizing the individual needs of each & every student is important. Not only to realize the students specific needs but to actually make sure we are meeting them on a day to day basis is HUGE & should not be overlooked. Anything we can do to help make things easier on someone who is struggling with a disability is something that I feel is worth doing. Honestly I see this as something that should be required and done without hesitation or questioning even though we should want to help.