History of Education

By ryahlee
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    From 14th-17th Century, this era was focused around philosophy, literature, and art.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Time period which encouraged revolutions for many countries.
  • Educational Reform

    Switching schools from only private to some public. (19th Century)
  • Monitorial System

    System in 19th Century that had older students teach younger ones.
  • 13th Amendment

    New amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery.
  • Typewriter

    Invention by Christopher Sholes, important advancement in technology and communication.
  • World War l

    War involving multiple countries across the world following the assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Great Depression

    Worldwide economic depression which occurred in the 20th Century.
  • World War ll

    Another war involving a majority of countries across the globe against Germany after Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 9/11

    Terrorist attacks against Twin Towers and Pentagon.
  • Iphone

    Steve Jobs (Apple) releases the first ever iPhone.
  • Covid-19

    Pandemic which occurred in the 21st Century