History of EdTech

  • 2400 BCE


    Developed in China around 2400 BC, the abacus is an device used for adding and multiplying number beads. The student can perform the operations by counting the beads. The contribution of the abacus to education is indisputable, because it is more enjoyable than counting with that finger and provides convenience to the student.
  • 1450


    The printer found in the 1450s is a device that processes writings on paper in a serial manner. Over the years it has been renovated and become more modern. Since its debut, it has greatly contributed to education, as the papers printed in series with the printer became both homework and worksheets for students. Although the first version of the printer was used by manpower, today's printers print in seconds in an electronic environment.
  • Calculator

    The calculator, which was found in 1623, was initially capable of multiplication and 6-digit addition. But then, it was developed and survived to the present day. Its contribution to education cannot be underestimated when mathematical operations are considered. Because it has provided convenience in solving very difficult questions especially for numeracy students.
  • Blackboard

    The blackboard was invented in 1801 and revolutionized education. Because, thanks to the blackboard, teachers transferred their lessons to their students in the classroom in a way that all students could see in the classroom. Blackboard is used by teachers in classrooms for years and had a place in education.
  • Radio

    With the invention of the radio, the radio began to be used in almost every field. Both the public and students could receive education from their homes at certain times of the day. The people were both having fun and learning from the radio. For example, families were chatting while they were having their dinner, and on the other hand, they were being educated on the radio broadcast. “Educational programs were also offered for adults during evening hours." (Buck, 2006, p. 80).
  • Television

    The invention of television has affected our lives perhaps more than most gadgets ever invented in the world. Television, which occupies a very large place in our daily lives, also showed itself in the field of education. Television, which has taken a deep place in our lives from the past to the present, is a technological tool that almost every person uses to get information or have fun when they come home in the evening.
  • Projectors

    Since the invention of projections, they have been improved and modernized many times. It has made a great contribution to education until it came to today's projections. Thanks to the projections, the students in the class had the chance to watch the videos projected in front of them at the same time. “Students can see and listen the subject topic with special effect.” (Guatam, 2012, p. 449).
  • Computer

    With the invention of the computer, it has taken its place in education in classrooms over time. The use of computers facilitates access to information in classrooms and saves students time. Although it is tried to give education to students only through computers and artificial intelligence, it has been seen that this is not very effective. It is proved difficult for machines to deal with the amazing style of approaches in which students learn as indicated by Bates.
  • Whiteboard

    The whiteboard was invented and is superior to the blackboard in many areas. It is cleaner and more comfortable than a blackboard. Along with the whiteboard, the use of chalk in the classroom has also come to an end. "Examination of the relationship between the need to pre-book and use showed that the 75% who could access the boards at any time made the most positive comments on all aspects of use." (David & Derek, 2002, p. 8).
    It is briefly understood it affects education positively.
  • CD Roam

    CD Roam
    With its invention in 1982, CD Roam began to replace cassette tapes. CD Roams are preferred because they have more memory and are cheaper. It has become more widespread in education because of its low cost. Educational CDs have started to be sold and these have become the helping heroes of the teacher in the classroom. It's a good way to get students' attention and get them more focused.
  • Reference1

    Bates, A. T. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning. In A. T. Bates, A short history of educational technology (pp. 214-222). BCcampus. https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/chapter/section-8-1-a-short-history-of-educational-technology/
  • Reference 2

    Buck, G. H. (2006). The first wave: The beginnings of radio in Canadian distance education. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue internationale du e-learning et la formation à distance, 21(1), 76-88.
  • Reference 3

    Gautam, K. K., & Agrawal, P. C. (2012). Impact and utilization of projectors in higher education with low energy consumption and last long batties in WSN environment. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, 3(9), 449-455.
  • Reference 4

    Miller, D., & Glover, D. (2002). The interactive whiteboard as a force for pedagogic change: the experience of five elementary schools in an English education authority. Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual, 2002(1), 5-19.