The independence
The United States expressed the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed its right to the free self-determination and the establishment of a cooperative union. The rebellious states defeated the British Empire in the war of independence, the first colonial war of successful independence. -
The Peace of Versalles
(the date it´s false i want to pun only 1783)
England recognizes the independence of 13 colonies -
The Constitution of 1787,
(the date it´s false i want to put only 1787)
This constitution was inspired in the beginning of equality and freedom that the illustrated ones were defending and confirmed the first constitution that was gathering the beginning of the political liberalism, establishing a democratic diet. -
George Washington
(the date it´s false i want to put 1787)
George Washington governed with a federalist style. Washington mobilized an army of 15. 000 men to suffocate the Rebellion of the Whisky. The federal government took charge of the debts of every state and created a national banking. -
John Adams
(the date it´s false i want to put only 1797)
He replace to George Washington. He approved in 1798 the Laws on Foreigners and Sedition. These measurements allowed the deportation or arrest of "dangerous" foreigners and prescribed fines or prison for publishing false, scandalous and malicious attacks against the government. -
Anglo American war
The war declared the United States to Great Britain on June 18,1812.The Britons blocked successfully the Atlantic coast and invaded the region of the bay of Chesapeake. On August 24, 1814, the British army entered Washington. The city was evacuated, for what once again, the Britons did not find armed resistance. The British general, George Cockburn, arranged acabarcon the city. The White House, the Acropolis of the United States, the head office of the Navy etc... -
War against Mexico betwwen 1820 to 1830
It was caused for acquiring territories and in the end the United States gained the war and mexico it transfers the territories of high California to the United States, -
The abolition of the slavery
In 1858 the senator douglas looked for the reelection and abraham lincoln and the republican party defied it because it was a new party against the slavery and the republican party. In a series of historical debates with Douglas, Lincoln demanded a high place to the expansion of the slavery. -
The Civil War 1861-1865
The majority in the southern and frontier states they voted against Lincoln, but the north supported it and gained the elections. A few weeks later, South Carolina decided by means of voting to leave the Union. Soon there him joined Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina. These states proclaimed its independence of the Union with the name of the Confederate States of America and this way it began the Civil war. -
Treated of Peace of Versalles
Wilson traveled to Europe to write eI treated of peace. It was received by jubilant crowds in the capitals of the allied countries, but the welcome turned sour when the negotiations began in Versailles. Despite the Wilson protests, the Allied Forces imposed crushing sanctions on Germany and its colonies were distributed. -
Black Thursday
a wave of sales of actions provoked by the panic caused a crack in the Stock Exchange of Values of New York. Once initiated, the destruction in the prices of the actions and of other values could not stop. The industrial production came down to the half, the agricultural revenue drooped in more than 50 %, the wages lowered 60 %, the new investment reduced 90 %, and one of the four workers was unemployed -
battle of the Sea of Coral
the Japanese threat against Australia was stopped in the battle of the Sea of Coral. In June the main Japanese fleet, which was sailing in the direction of Hawái, was pushed back in the Midway battle, with a loss of four carriers. The American cryptographers were expert at deciphering the Japanese keys, so the Allied Forces generally knew the disposition of the Japanese navy. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
an ex-military man, is chosen like president of the United States. This president would stand out for encouraging and impelling the use of the intelligence and the secret actions, as well as for the development of the plane spy U-2 who so much would reach port at the end of the Cold War. -
The American interference in Vietnam goes back to the president Truman, who during the Second World war already sent military help to France in support to the French colonialism in Indochina. After there moved back the French of the southeast of Asia in 1954, the president Eisenhower sent advisers and it helps Americans to contribute to the establishment of a democratic and prowestern government in South Vietnam, thing that would be obtained in 1956 installing general Ngo Dinh Diem in the power. -
the USSR throws the first artificial satellite, called Sputnik, causing a big fuss in the world public opinions. The United States will try to snatch to the Soviet Union the leadership obtained with this success forming in 1958 the NASA. -
The Kennedy death
during a parade in Dallas John Fitzgerald Kennedy it is murdered, supposedly for Lee Harvey Oswald, although the doubt about the responsibility has continued in certain circles up to today. -
Moon travel
he spatial program of the United States achieves a big technical and propaganda success after an American astronaut manages to be in charge to the moon and to bring it back healthily and safely to the Earth. -
Irak invasion
Irakinvaded Kuwait. Scarcely there had news about the invasion of Kuwait, the Security Council of the United Nations condemned this act across a series of resolutions, likewise the Arab League did it. Finally, the USA organized and led a military coalition with military forces of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Middle East. -
War against the terrorism (2001-2008)
two of four planes kidnapped by Al-Qaeda affected two towers of World Trade Center in New York, the third one in the Pentagon, causing the death to more than 3. 000 persons, turning into the worst terrorist attack in the American history -
Barack Obama
Its promises of change and its famous motto "Yes, we dog" gave him world reputation and they would take him to the White House, after gaining with a considerable advantage the elections of 2008. The democratic candidate Obama will have to confront the financial crisis of 2008, the tension with Iran, the resolution of the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan and the problems of the environment. Also, Barack Obama has between its targets the progress of the foreign policy with Europe.