Gregor Mendel
Born July 20, 1822. Died January 6 1884. He was known as the father of modern genetics. Around the time of 1854, mendel began to research the transmission of hereditary traits in plant hybrids. His expirement lasted around eight years between the years 1856 and 1863. He was in the scientific field of genetics. He would only use peas for his expirements because offsprings could be quickly produced and had many distinct varieties. -
Friedrich Miescher
Born August 13, 1844. Died August 26, 1895. Miescher was a young Swiss physician. He moved to work in a labratory of biochemist hoppeseyier. Miescher started by investigating the proteins of leucocyte cells. He has soon discovered a property not matching the proteins DNA. Miescher was the first to obtain a purification of DNA. He later termed "nuclein" a term we all still use today. -
Fredrick Griffith
Born 1879. Died 1941. He was a British bacteriologist in January of 1928 what we know as Griffith's excitements was made known. These expirements were the first demonstration of bacterial transformation. The observations was attributed to an unidentified transforming principal. Griffiths discovery were the first to know the role of DNA on heredity. -
Fredrick Griffith
Born: 1879. Died: 1941. Griffith started his career as a British bacteriologist. In January of 1928 what we know as Griffith's expirement was made known. These expirements were the first demonstration of bacterial transformation. The observations was attributed to an unidentified transforming principal. Griffiths discoveries were the first to show the role of DNA in heredity n -
Thomas Morgan
Born September 25, 1866. Died December 4, 1945. Morgan won a Nobel prize for medicine for discoveries about the role of chromosomes plays heredity. Morgan wrote 22 book sin his lifetime -
Oswald Avery
Avert was a Canadian born American medical researcher and physician. His career was made large in the Rockefeller university hospital. Averys best known expirement was published in 1944 with scientists macleodand mcarty. The expirement named DNA is material that makes genes up and chromosomes. Avery was nominated for many Nobel peace prizes.