History of disabilities

  • Jean Marc Gaspard Itard/the wild boy of Aveyron

    Itard was a physician who studied and taught Victor, a boy from the woods with an intellectual disability. He was one of the first to try to teach those with disabilities. link text
  • Edouard Seguin

    Seguin continued Itard's work and developed a physiological method to help students with disabilities improve. He also created the first school to educate students with intellectual disabilities. link text
  • The first public school for feebleminded children in America

    The first public school for feebleminded children in America
    This school was established by Samuel Gridley Howe in Boston in 1848.
  • Ward v. Flood

    Supreme court case that a principal of a public school could refuse to admit a child who had not had sufficient education to perform at the lowest grade of the school link text
  • Goddard, Binet, and Simon

    Goddard, Binet, and Simon
    Binet and Simon created an intelligence scale and Goddard revised it and introduced it to America
  • Farrell and the CEC

    Farrell and her students formed the International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children which is now known as the Council for Exceptional Children link text
  • The Arc of the United States

    The Arc of the United States
    Formally known as the National Association of Parents and Friends of Mentally Retarded Children this organization helps to support the parents and relatives of those with disabilities
  • PL 85-926

    This law was an "act to encourage expansion of teaching in the education of mentally retarded children through grants to institutions of higher learning and to state education agencies. This was the first legislation passed that provided support for university training programs for leaders and teachers in special education for children with mental retardation." link text
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    This act was part of President Lyndon Johnson's legislation which intended to combat poverty and racial inequality and included resources to states to educate disadvantaged children link text
  • EHA

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed which required public schools to provide appropriate educational services for those with disabilities