History of Computers in the 1970's

  • Period: to

    History of Computers in the 1970's

  • 1971 Intel 4004-Stanley Mazor, Federico Faggin, and Ted Hoff

    1971 Intel 4004-Stanley Mazor, Federico Faggin, and Ted Hoff
    The Intel 4004 was the first programmable microprocessor which controls all functions of the CPU, or central processing unit, of a computer or another digital device. Very important in this day and age.
  • 1971 Email- Ray Tomlinson and Bolt Beranek

    1971 Email- Ray Tomlinson and Bolt Beranek
    A text based messaging between computers through the ARPANET using the "@" symbol to route messages. We use this all the time, if not every day to communicate.
  • 1973 Mobile Phone- Motorola with senior engineer Martin Cooper

    1973 Mobile Phone- Motorola with senior engineer Martin Cooper
    The first mobile phone. This is something that almost everyone has and could almost not live without in today's world.
  • 1975 Digital Camera, Steven Sasson

    1975 Digital Camera, Steven Sasson
    The first Digital Camera was invented by Steven Sasson while working at Eastman Kodak. We use digital cameras almost every day.
  • 1979 Sony Walkman-Sony Corporation

    1979 Sony Walkman-Sony Corporation
    A portable cassette player with buttons, headphones, and a leather case. This was before Cd's and MP3 players were invented, but helped into the portability of technology.