
History of computers

By mia.ici
  • IBM

    Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, built a machine to count a census. It used punched cards and gears like the previous ones, but it worked whit electricity. His company grew to become the frist computer manufacturer in the world: IBM.
  • Eniac

    John Eckert and John Mauchly began working on a machine that exceeded the speed Mark I. They used vacuum tubes, which were based on the fluid of the electrons to operate. ENIAC is concidered the world's frist fully electronic and digital computer.
  • Transistrors

    Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see wide spread use in computers until the late 50s.
  • Micropocessor

    Brought the fourth generation of cumputers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon ship.
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak make the Apple I. This computer allowed users to see what they were doing on a screen, unlike other models. Then it came an improved version called Apple II, which sold millions of units.