History of Computer Programming

By sbeyer
  • Jaquard Loom

    Jaquard Loom
    The Jaquard Loom was invented in 1801 by Joseph Marie Jaquard. The loom itself is controlled by punched cards with punched holes. Each different row of hole punches corresponded to a row of textiles.
  • First Ever Computer Programmer

    First Ever Computer Programmer
    Ada Lovelace was born on December 10th, 1815. Her father was George Gordon Byron, the 6th Baron Byron. She theorized the computer would one day be able to compute Bernoulli Numbers.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    The Analytical Engine was designed by Charles Babbard. It had an arithmetic logic unit, a control flow in the form of conditional branching and loops. It also had integrated memory. Those components made it the first design for a general purpose computer.
  • The Father of Modern Automatic Computation

    The Father of Modern Automatic Computation
    Herman Hollerith invented a mechanical tabulator based off of punch cards to tabulate statistics from millions of pieces of data. The company he founded in 1896 was called C&O Canal. It is now called IBM.
  • COBOL Computer Programming Language

    COBOL Computer Programming Language
    COBOL Enabled computers to have a language closer to english than machine language. She coined the phrase 'bug' and 'debug'. It was called a 'bug' because a moth flew out of the MARK I, and the moth was causing the hardware problems.
  • Plankalkül

    Konrad Zuse invented Plankalkul between 1943 and 1945. It stands for Formal System of Planning.
  • Fred Cohen

    Fred Cohen
    Fred Cohen is the man credited for the saying Computer Virus. He developed the term in 1983. It is used to describe what happens when something 'infects' a computer.
  • Pascal Programming

    Pascal Programming
    Pascal Programming was designed by Nikalus Wirth in 1970. This language was developed to develop structured programming and data structuring.
  • The First Computer Game

    The First Computer Game
    Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney created the first computer game, which was the computer version of a popular arcade game, (Spacewar) and renamed it Pong.
  • C Programming Language

    C Programming Language
    The C Programming Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie. It first appeared in 1972. It has constructs that make machine instructions, and it has been formerly coded in assembly language.
  • Python Programming

    Python Programming
    Python Programming was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1993. Python lets programmers express code in fewer lines than C.
  • Java Programming Language

    Java Programming Language
    Java was developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems in 1995. Java gets most of its syntax from C and C++.
  • Job Outlook for Computer Programmers and Software Engineers

    Job Outlook for Computer Programmers and Software Engineers
    The average salary for a computer programmer is about $74,280