Binary code thing

History of computer code

  • ADA

    Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer code. She worte a hypathetical code to run on the Difference Machine.
  • Math-Matic

    A later version of the A-0 and A-2 this program was one of the first to use human language to program a computer.
  • Fortran

    It allowed computers to do the same tasks by having them run a loop of programing.
  • Cobol

    This program was developed by several computer manufactures and the Pentagon. It's purpose was easy readablity by the computer.
  • Lisp

    This was the first computer program that had its aim at writing the first Artificial Intelegence Programs. It was created by John McCarthy.
  • Basic

    It was developed by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny. It was an easy-to-learn programing language.
  • LOGO

    Seymour Papert designed it as a computer language for children to play with.
  • C++

    This program is released for the first time. It was an object oriented language.
  • Site on different release dates of Programs