
History of Community Colleges in the US - MHOLT

  • Juliet Community College in Illinois

    Juliet Community College in Illinois
    The nation's first community college added a fifth and sixth year of courses to high school curriculum.
  • Phoenix College was Established

    Phoenix College was Established
    Originally was part of Phoenix Union High School District
  • E.W Montegomery

    E.W Montegomery
    Superintendent of PUHSD and President of PC 1925-1958
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    During the Great Depression, the community colleges started offering job training classes to help with unemployment.
  • Phoenix College Flight School

    Phoenix College Flight School
    PC operated a flight school during the years of 1930s-1960. The programs was moved to Sky Harbor, but eventually ended in 1960.
  • WPA approved funding to expand Phoenix College

    WPA approved funding to expand Phoenix College
    $750,000 was approved from WPA to help expand PC. This helped purchase the farmland on 15th ave and Thomas and build 4 buildings.
  • Aerial View of PC in 1949

    Aerial View of PC in 1949
    15th Ave and Thomas
  • Enrollment in Community Colleges hit 1 million

  • Enrollment at 2.2 million in Community College

    Enrollment doubles from 1960-1970
  • Community College Enrollment at 4.5 million

  • Female enrollment exceeds male

    In the 1980s, the number of women enrolled in community colleges surpass the number of males enrolled. The trend continues currently. The most recent report given in the article, is 3,000,000 females compared to 2,300,000 males are enrolled in community colleges across the nation.
  • Nationwide Commission on Future of Community Colleges

    Nationwide Commission on Future of Community Colleges encourage more community colleges to offer vocational training programs.
  • Enrollment at 5.1 million in Community College

  • Enrollment at 5.3 million

  • 1,076 Community Colleges in the US

    By 2000, there are 1,076 Community Colleges in the US.