History of China and Japan

  • 300

    Yayoi People Organize in Japan

    Yayoi People Organize in Japan
    The Yayoi people organize in the country of Japan.
  • 400

    Yamato Controls Japan

    Yamato Controls Japan
    Yamato is declared ruler of Japan in Japan
  • 590

    Grand Canal is Built

    Grand Canal is Built
    The Grand Canal finishes construction in China, allowing trade between two major cities.
  • 604

    Prince Shotoku Writes Constitution

    Prince Shotoku Writes Constitution
    Japanese Prince Shotoku writes the Japanese constitution.
  • 631

    Taika Reforms Japan

    Taika Reforms Japan
    Emperor Kotoku of Japan makes the Taika Reforms to unite Japan.
  • 690

    Empress Wu Begins Rule

    Empress Wu Begins Rule
    Wu Zetian is declared Empress of China
  • 918

    Koryo Unites Korea

    Koryo Unites Korea
    The Koryo Dynasty unites all the people of the known Korean peninsula.
  • 1150

    Chinese Perfect Magnetic Compass

    Chinese Perfect Magnetic Compass
    Chinese scientists in China perfect their model of the magnetic compass.
  • 1211

    Genghis Khan Invades China

    Genghis Khan Invades China
    Mongol ruler Genghis Khan begins his invaision of China.
  • 1231

    Mongols Invade Northern Korea

    Mongols Invade Northern Korea
    The Mongol army invades the Northern part of Korea.
  • 1260

    Kublai Khan Rules Mongol Empire

    Kublai Khan Rules Mongol Empire
    After the death of Genghis Khan somewhere in Asia, his nephew, Kublai Khan, takes over the rule of the Mongol Empire.
  • 1421

    Emperor Yong Le Builds Imperial City

    Emperor Yong Le Builds Imperial City
    Emperor Yong Le of China orders the construction of an Imperial City for him and his family to live in.