The Psi Chapter was founded at the UNiversity of Arkansas by Dr. Charles Richardson, Jobelle Holcombe, Jean Vincenheller, Ina May Boles, and Alice Cary Simonds.
Chi Omega was founded on the principles of Scholarship, Social, Sisterhood, Career and Personal Development, Community Service, and Campus involvement. -
First Governing Council is elected
The Eleusis!
First Issue of The Eleusis is printed. The Eleusis is the monthly magazine that is published with information about things going on in Chi Omega chapters around the country. -
The Crest
Official Crest is designed and adopted. The crest contains the laurel wreath, an owl, a skull and cross bones, and the Greek letters, rho, beta, upsilon, eta, and sigma, as well as the letters Chi and Omega. -
Mu Chapter founded
The chapters are named by going backwards through the greek alphabet, excluding the Omega chapter. Once the whole alphabet was used nationals began using two letters going in opposite orders. -
Chi Omega Spreads
Chi Omega extends through Texas, Nebraska, California, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. -
Chi Omega's first Executive Headquarters is established in Lexington, Kentucky -
Headquarters moves
Executive Headquarters moves to Cincinnati, Ohio -
Headquarters moves again
Headquarters moves to Memphis, Tennessee