Satellite image of the united kingdom

History of Britain (1534-1714)

  • Period: Jun 24, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII - Length of Reign

  • 1517

    The Ninety-Five Theses

    The Ninety-Five Theses
    Date at which Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-Five.
  • 1526

    Tyndale Bible

    Tyndale Bible
    Date at which the bible was translated in English.
  • 1533

    Act in Restraint of Appeals

    The king receives legal power to annul marriages
  • 1533

    Henry VIII married Ann Boleyn

    Henry VIII married Ann Boleyn
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    Henry VIII becomes supreme head of the Church of England.
  • 1536

    Union Act - UK/Wales

    Union Act - UK/Wales
  • Feb 20, 1546

    Edward VI - Coronation

    Edward VI - Coronation
  • Period: Feb 20, 1546 to Jul 6, 1553

    Edward VI - Length of Reign

  • Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII - Death

    Henry VIII - Death
  • 1549

    Book of Common Prayer

    Book of Common Prayer
    Publication date of the Book of Common Prayer
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Edward VI - Death

    Edward VI - Death
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Mary I - Coronation

    Mary I - Coronation
  • Period: Oct 1, 1553 to Nov 17, 1558

    Mary I - Length of Reign

  • Nov 17, 1558

    Mary I - Death

    Mary I - Death
  • 1559

    Elizabeth - Act of Supremacy

    Queen Elizabeth I becomes "Supreme Governor of the Church of England".
  • 1559

    Act of Uniformity

    Act of Uniformity
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Elizabeth I - Coronation

    Elizabeth I - Coronation
    Elizabeth I's coronation after Queen Mary Tudor's death.
  • Period: Jan 15, 1559 to

    Elizabeth I - Length of Reign

    Queen Elizabeth's length of reign until her death.
  • 1569

    The Northern Rebellion

    The Northern Rebellion
    Rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I. Led by the Earls of Westmorland and Northumberland.
  • 1570

    Papal Bull

    Pope Pius V's papal bull : "Regnans in Excelsis" against Elizabeth.
  • Mary Stuart - Execution

    Mary Stuart - Execution
    Mary Queen of Scots was executed for she was fomenting a plot against Queen Elizabeth I
  • Defeat of the "Invincible Armada"

    Defeat of the "Invincible Armada"
    England was victorious against Spain's "Invincible" Armada.
  • King James' Bible

    King James' Bible
    New English translation of the Bible.
  • Elizabeth I - Death

    Elizabeth I - Death
  • James VI of Scotland --> James I of England - Coronation

    James VI of Scotland --> James I of England - Coronation
    James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England and was coroned as King of England.
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    A small group of Catholics planned to blow up Parliament and James I along with it.
  • James I - Death

    James I - Death
  • Charles I - Coronation

    Charles I - Coronation
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
  • The Three Resolutions

    The Three Resolutions
    The Parliament declared that anyone bringing in "Popery or Arminianism" or to alter the protestant forms of the Church of England was an enemy of the Kingdom. Same goes for advising the King to collect custom duties wirthout Parliament's consent. Led to the MPs imprisonment
  • Period: to

    The Personal Rule

    King Charles I declared there would be no more parliaments.
  • New Prayer Book

    New Prayer Book
    Introduction of the Book of Common Prayer in Scotland.
  • Period: to

    The Scottish crisis

  • Treaty of Ripon

    Treaty of Ripon
    Peace treaty between England and Scotland after the latest' victory.
  • Grand Remonstrance

    Grand Remonstrance
    Document summarizing King Charles I's misdeeds and concluding on "revolutionary" demands.
  • Charles' declaration of war

    King Charles I declares war to Parliament.
  • Battle of Naseby

    Battle of Naseby
    Turning point in the war as the Royalist forces weakened.
  • Defeat of the Royalists

    The King and the Royalists surrendered and were officially defeated by the Parliamantarians.
  • Kingdom of England --> Commonwealth

    England was declared a republic.
  • King Charles I - Execution

    King Charles I - Execution
    King Charles I was executed for high treason.
  • Rump Parliament dissolved

    Cromwell dissolved the Rump Parliament. MPs were ordered to leave.
  • End of the Commonwealth

    The end of the Commonwealth, and start of the Protectorate
  • Cromwell - Death

    Cromwell - Death
    Cromwell died and his son became Lord Protector, but for only 6 months, causing chaos.
  • The Restoration

    The Restoration
    Restoration of monarchy. Charles II became King of England.
  • Act of uniformity

    Act of uniformity
    All ministers had to swear to conform to the Book of Common Prayer
  • Great Fire of London

    Great Fire of London
  • The Popish Plot

    Rumour of a plot by the French to murder Charles II and replace him with his Catholic brother James II
  • Charles II - Death

    Charles II - Death
    Charles II died and was succeeded by James II
  • James II - Coronation

    James II - Coronation
  • William of Orange's Invasion of England

    William of Orange's Invasion of England
    The Parliament invited William of Orange (the King's son in law) to invade England and take the throne. He succeeded.
  • William of Orange --> William III - Coronation

    William of Orange --> William III - Coronation
    William of Orange becomes King William III of England.
  • The Bill of Rights

  • William III - Death

    William III - Death
    William III died and was succeeded by Anne (last stuart monarch).
  • Anne Stuart - Coronation

    Anne Stuart - Coronation
    Anne Stuart became Queen of England
  • Union Act - UK/Scotland

    Union Act - UK/Scotland
  • Act of Settlement

    King William III and Mary II had no surviving children and their potential Stuart successors were Catholics. Thus, they ensured there would be a Protestant successor
  • George I - Coronation

    George I - Coronation
    George I became King of England