History of banks..

By Dewayne
  • Cash&colonies

    British coins were minted on american soil.
  • The first bank of the United States...

    The first bank of the United States...
    The first bank of the United States was chartered..
  • Currency in the United States

    Currency in the United States
    The U.S. mint begans operration. this is a picture of the 2.50 coin
  • The second bank of the United States...

    The second bank of the United States...
    the second bank of the United States weaknd and died when its charter expierd in 1836..
  • The national bank of 1864

    The national bank of 1864
    The National Banking act of 1864 was enacated...
  • The federal reserve act of 1913

    The federal reserve act of 1913
    after a severe economic panic in 1907 congress formed a bipartisan group to study the problem
  • Bank crisis

    Bank crisis
    The stock market crash in october of 1929 brought about near collapase of the economic systems in the united states and other nations.
  • The banking acts of 1933 and 1935

    The banking acts of 1933 and 1935
    The babnking act of 1935 made further refinements by expanding the monetary controls of the federal reserve and changing
  • Inflation and banking

    Inflation and banking
    is a rise in general prices, including a rise in supply of money and incomes
  • More than a medium of exchange...

    More than a medium of exchange...
    U.S, mint issued quarters commerorating each of the 50 states...