Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
This act protects the rights of people with disabilities in programs and activities where federal funding is provided. This law states that individuals with disabilities can not be discriminated against or excluded due to their disabilities. This act also requires school districts to provided free and appropriate public education (FAPE). -
Technology Related Assistance act of 1988
Increased access and funding for assistive technology through state initiatives projects. Funding from the U.S. Department of Education to each state to improve provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities of all ages. The Tech Act defined AT as any device that would help individuals perform tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible.( Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs., (2010). Ataprog.org) -
Americans with disabilities Act 1990
Prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as non disabled peers. ADA allowed individuals with physical or mental impairments Technical assistance materials. (United States department of Justice Civil Rights Division., Imformation on the Americans with Disablities Act. Retrieved online at : www.ada.gov ) -
Individuals with disabilities Act ( IDEA) 1990
IDEA sought to provide children with disabilities the same opportunities for education as children without disabilities. This gave children needing Assistive Technology the right to have there needs met in school through the the least restrictive environment and free and appropriate policy education.(U.S Department of Education (2006). Building the Legacy (idea), IDEA 2004. Retrieved from http:///idea.ed.gov/explore) -
Amendments IDEA 1997
The amendments of 1997 authorized grants for technology, requiered parents to attempt to resolve issues with school boards through mediation and provided a process for doing so, and included rights for infants and toddlers.
These amendents also redefined Assistive Technology in to parts of AT devices and AT services.(U.S Department of Education (2006). Building the Legacy (idea), IDEA 2004. Retrieved from http:///idea.ed.gov/explore) -
The Assistive Technology act 2004
This act no longer focused on providing states with programs for accessing assistive technology but, now requiered states provide direct aid to individuals with disabilities ensuring they have access to the AT they need. (United States department of Justice Civil Rights Division., Imformation on the Americans with Disablities Act. Retrieved online at : www.ada.gov ) -
IDEA 2004
These revision of IDEA requiered all students with a disabilities be evaluated for needing Assistive technology devices and services. IDEA supports the use of technology, including technology with universal design principles and assistive technology devices, to maximize accessibility to the general education curriculum for children with disabilities(U.S Department of Education (2006). Building the Legacy (idea), IDEA 2004. Retrieved from http:///idea.ed.gov/explore) -
ADA amendments 2008
(United States department of Justice Civil Rights Division., Imformation on the Americans with Disablities Act. Retrieved online at : www.ada.gov )