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Assistive Technology History
Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973
United States Department of Labor This law does not allow discrimination based on disablity for emplyment and education, and guarantees accommodations and a least-restrictive environment (GCU, Lecture 1) -
Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988
The "Tech Act" is a piece of legislature that clearly defined, for the first time, assistive technology services and devices. -
Americans With Disabilitites Act 1990
ADA Homepage ADA is a civil rights law that addresses the needs of people with disabilities, and it prohibits discrimination in employment, public services, public accommodations, and telecommunications. -
Telecommunications Act
One point of this act, as it relates to assistive technology, is that it required accessibility in schools and libraries for persons with disabilities (GCU, Lecture 1). -
IDEA 1997
IDEA Homepage The reauthorization of IDEA in 1997 "guaranteed students an assessment of need for AT devices or servies, and new wording required that all IEPs specifically consider and address AT needs, specifically defining that schools provid the AT necessary for students to benefit from their educaiton" (GCU, Lecture 1) -
IDEA 2004
IDEA HomepageThis update specifically excludes surgically implanted medical devices as Assistive Technology (GCU, Lecture 1).