
History of Americans, French, and the Enlightenment

  • Jean Jacques Rousseau (Enlightenment)

    Jean Jacques Rousseau (Enlightenment)
    Jean Jacques Rousseau was an influential thinker during the Enlightenment. He argued that the progression of sciences and art have caused all the corruption of morality in his work, A Discourse on the Sciences and Arts. He was recognized and won fame for this. He published his work on political philosophy in the Social Contract: people are born good but the environment is corrupt.
    Work Cited: iep.utm.edu and notebook
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment Timespan

    3 events
  • Period: to

    Other Interesting Events

    5 other events
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    United States Timespan

    3 major events
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    France Timespan

    4 events
  • Voltaire (Enlightenment)

    Voltaire (Enlightenment)
    Famous French writer who was exiled to Tulle in 1715.He wrote the Candide in 1759. He was considered France's greatest Enlightenment writers. Voltaire was just seven years old when his mom passed away, and he grew closer to his godfather. He showed promise as a writer while going to College Louis-Ie-Grand in Paris. Voltaire wrote poetry, plays, historical, and philosophical works.
  • The Boston Massacre (OtherEvents)

    The Boston Massacre (OtherEvents)
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of 5 colonists by the British. It was a fight between a patriot mob throwing snow balls, sticks, stones at the British troops. A riot began when 50 citizens attacked the British sentinel. A British officer Thomas Preston called in more British soldiers for help, and they killed 3 on the spot. A town meeting was called to remove of the British and trial of Captain Preston and his men for murder, The Boston Massacre led to a major war..ushistory.org
  • Marquis de Lafayette (France)

    Marquis de Lafayette (France)
    The day that Marquis de Lafayette at the age of 14 entered the Royal Army. His wife was Marie Adrienne Francoise de Noailles which was one of the wealthiest families in all of France. Lafayette made plans to visit America after he spoke with the Duke of Gloucester who told Marquis about the struggle going on in the colonies. He and his motives were patriotic that the Congress announced he would be a Major General, and he would help George Washington in battles.
    Works cited: ushistory.org/valley
  • The Boston Tea Party (America)

    The Boston Tea Party (America)
    Members from The Sons of Liberty take over ships in Boston because they are protesting over all of the taxation. The tea act was passed during this time. Samuel Adams also was involved in throwing the 342 chests of tea into the water. The Boston Tea Party was a sign of resistance against the British rule. Parliament had a goal to rescue the East India Company because it was suffering financially.
    Works Cited: www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/boston-tea-party
  • Stamp Act Crisis (Other Events)

    Stamp Act Crisis (Other Events)
    Delegates from nine colonies meet in New York City and prepared a statement that protested the Stamp Act. Parliament had the right to regulate colonial trade. It was denied that the Parliament had the power to tax the colonies, since the colonies were unrepresented in Parliament. Parliament abolished the Stamp Act in 1776.
    Work Cited: digitalhistory.uh.edu
  • Denis Diderot (Enlightenment)

    Denis Diderot (Enlightenment)
    Denis Diderot was a French Enlightenment man of intelligence and a genius. He developed a fear that knowledge would continue to be destroyed by Christians. He produced the Encylopedia to prevent further of the ripping paintings, smashing marbles, and burning books. Diderot wrote a thousand of its articles during a 20 year period. Other scholars who contributed were Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson. Diderot helped enlighten the world that was filled with ignorance.
    Work cited: infidels.org and NB
  • The Declaration of Independence (America)

    The Declaration of Independence (America)
    56 members of the Continental Congress sign the Declaration of Independence listing the reasons on why America should be separated from Britain's control. The document was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The thirteen colonies wanted independence from Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the document in the committee of 5, with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin reviewing it.
    Works cited: Notebook and http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/declaration-of-independ
  • Treaty of Paris (Other Events)

    Treaty of Paris (Other Events)
    The Treaty of Paris ends the Revolutionary War between the British and the Americans.It recognized the USA as an independent nation, no longer apart of Britain's control. John Adams, Ben Franklin, and John Jay were masters of the game. The treaty was named for the city that it was negotiated and signed.
    Work cited: ourdocuments.gov/doc
  • The Constitution (America)

    The Constitution (America)
    The Constitution was an upgrade over the previous Articles of Confederation. It established America's new government with new law, and rights for its citizens. The document was signed in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention by delegates. The Articles of Confederation was weak, but the Constitution was a plan for a stronger government with the 3 branches. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches were in the national government. www.history.com/topics/constitution
  • The Estates General (France)

    The Estates General (France)
    The Estates General originated in the thirteenth century, developed out of situations when monarchs needed support and developing across the centuries. The meeting occured in 1789, when the French government needing some kind of reform turned to it, It consists of the First Estate- church 1%, Second Estate- nobility 2%, and Third Estate everyone else. The 3rd Estate wanted better representation, and it contributed to the creation of the National Assembly.
    Works cited: europeanhistory.about.com
  • Bastille Day (France)

    Bastille Day (France)
    A group formed of craftsmen and salesmen decided to fight back and ran to steal weapons. A crowd knew where powder was to be found for rifles which was in the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol for the king's absolute power. The crowd attacked and the guards fought back killing hundreds of people. The crowd gathered weapons and released prisoners at the Bastille, and a rescue team helped France to victory over Luis XVI's guards.
    Works Cited: Bastille-day.com and notebook
  • The White House (Other Events)

    The White House (Other Events)
    George Washington made the decision to move the capital from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a brand new area called the District of Columbia. James Hoban, an Irish architect won the contract to design and build the house. He designed the house after the model in the Book of Architecture called the Gibbs House, and it was completed in 1800. John Adams was the first president to live in the White House, not George Washington. The British (1812 War) tore it down, but another was built.mrnussbaum.com
  • The American Bill of Rights (Other Events)

    The American Bill of Rights (Other Events)
    The first ten amendments to the Constitution make the Bill of Rights. It was written by James Madison because of the converns for a greater constiutional protection for the people's liberties. The Bill of Rights lists the specific prohibitions on the governments power. The right to speak and public worship freely was protected by the First Amendment's prohibitions on Congress from making laws establishing a religion.
    Work Cited: billofrightsinstitute.org
  • Reign of Terror (France)

    Reign of Terror (France)
    After King Louis XVI died, the Reign of Terror began. Marie, Louis's wife had been imprisoned, and her son was taken way. Marie led the way to put citizens to their deaths. The guillotine was used for the executions, and on July in 1794, the Revolutionary Tribunal ordered that 2,400 people would be executed, and 30,000 people lost their lives across France. It was designed to fight enemies during the revolution.
    Work cited: www.historywiz.com/terror