Ohio outlawed slavery
Contributed to the separation of the union and confederation because it was the start of the push for abolition. Ohio outlawed slavery when the state was created and caused tension between pro and anti slavery states. This eventually would help contribute to the beginning of the civil war. The civil war would feature many great generals born in Ohio. -
Simon Perkins discovers land
Simon Perkins was the founder of Akron. He found this land in 1807 and decided to turn it is into a soon to be great city. He picked this land because it was efficiate place for many water ways. These waterways helped Akron grow. The land Simon Perkins picked was great for bringing in jobs and agriculture. -
Cuyahoga county
Cuyahoga county was one of the first counties in Ohio. Today, over one million people live in it making it one of the largest in the state. Cuyahoga county has always been important to the city of Cleveland and surrounding areas. -
War of 1812
War between the United States and the United Kingdom. This war featured many Native Americans who would help both sides. However, these Native Americans would later be driven out of American territory. One important event of the war, was the battle of Lake Erie. In which Oliver Hazard Perry would defeat the British. This would eventually turn the tides of the war and lead to American victory. -
Missouri Compromise
This was an effort to balance the power in congress between slave and free states. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state. Except in Missouri, the Louisiana Purchase was to be slave free. The events involved in the Missouri Purchase contributed to the hatred between slave and free states. -
Erie Canal completed
After two years of digging, the 425 mile long canal was opened. It was opened by governor Clinton on October 26, 1825. This canal benefited Akron and Ohio in many ways. It was a trading route for most towns and also provided transportation. This Canal boosted Ohio’s economy and provided many jobs. -
Underground Railroad established
The underground railroad was an escape route for slaves in the early 1800s to about the 1860s. It was estimated about 100,000 African American slaves escaped on this route. Ohio was one of the key states involved because it was close to Lake Erie and Canada. Once in Canada, a slave became free. -
Ohio Erie Canal opens
The 308 miles of transportation was open for travel in 1832. This took more than 5 years and helped connect Akron to Cleveland. This canal led to many advances in technology and communities in Ohio. -
Deppression panic of 1837
This was a financial crisis that started a major recession that would last for almost ten years. Profits, prices, and wages went down while unemployment went up. There was a great deal of pessimism in America at this time. -
Summit county starts, Akron is in charge
Summit county was very new. By this point Akron was successful and could be called the leading town in Summit County. We provided a lot of the income and we were one of the bigger cities in the county. -
Plain Dealer
The Plain Dealer is the largest newspaper in Ohio. Almost 800,000 copies are sold every Sunday. This newspaper has always helped Cleveland and a northeast Ohio stay connected as a community and discuss important topics. -
John Brown moves to Akron 1844
John Brown and his family moved to Akron in 1844. He lived next to Simon Perkins and worked with him. He would eventually become on of the most well known anti slavery activists. -
Cleveland Railroads completed
Cleveland finished and opened the main Cleveland railroad. This was a big deal for their city. This brought transportation, trade routes and jobs. Cleveland’s railroads brought in food, coal, and sometimes slaves. This was also another route into Ohio to get to Candida freeing the slave traveling. -
Sojourner Truths Ain't I a woman speech
Sojourner Truth addressed woman's rights and African American rights in Akron. Born a slave, she escaped and would fight for slave rights. This was her most important speech. -
John Brown kills 5 slavery supporters
John Brown was an anti-slavery activist who killed 5 slavery supporters with his followers. He raided 5 settlers who lived north of the Pottawatomie Creek. This was a response to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces. He would be seen as a hero by many and also a villain by many. -
John Brown raids Harpers Ferry
Him and his supporters raided a United States arsenal in Virginia. This was another protest to slavery and federal troops were sent in to end the stand-off. The citizens of the town were held and not allowed to escape. Eventually he was tried, convicted of treason, and hung. -
Lincoln becomes president and the civil wars starts
Lincoln became president without the support of a single southern state. His first speech after he was elected was in Hudson, Ohio. This election caused tension and led to the civil war. As soon as he was elected, war was inevitable between the south and the north. Eventually, Lincoln would become one of the greatest presidents of all time. -
2 small battles of the civil war in Ohio
Ohio raised 320,000 soldiers for the Union. There were many great generals who came from Ohio. Our side would eventually end up winning the civil war. These two battles were the Battle of Buffington Island and the second is The Battle of Salineville. -
Civil war ends
The civil war lasted from April 12, 1861- May 9, 1865. The war ended because Robert E Lee surrendered his army to Ulysses S Grant. The union won the war and the confederate states eventually re-joined the union and slavery was abolished. This war has the most US casualties in history and pinned Americans against Americans. -
Cleveland police department was established
Cleveland's police department was founded. This brought peace to the crime in Cleveland. It helped the community grow and work together. It also supplied jobs which boosted Cleveland's agriculture and economy. The police department in Cleveland did a lot for and brought many advantages for the city’s society. -
Buchtel college formed
Buchtel was the first college in Akron. The building burned down and was rebuilt. The main college in Akron is now Akron university but in 1870 it was one of the best things or Akron. It brought knowledge to the cities and grew people into leaders. -
15th amendment
This Amendment gave all men the right to vote. At the time, this was important especially for Black men. This was one step towards equality and American civil rights. -
Goodrich moves to Akron
Founded by B.F. Goodrich, the company moved to Akron in 1871. One of Akron's most successful companies. The rubber business took off after the move. -
The Cleveland Blues are established which is the first team in the American League
The Cleveland Blues lasted about 6 years. They were the first team to join the American League. Eventually they would become the Cleveland Indians. -
Wright brothers first flight
The Wright Brothers were in a small family from Akron. Their invention of the airplanes helped our society immensely. The airplane played a huge part in the World War, giving the USA and Akron big advantages. -
Harvey Firestone supplies tires for Henry Ford
In 1900, Firestone created his company to create pneumatic tires. He signed a partnership with Henry Ford. Both companies are still successful and runnin today. -
World war 1 begins
The assassination of the archduke of Austria-Hungary started the war. A Serbian nationalist shot him after his car took a wrong turn. This is one of the bloodiest wars in history. -
General Tire comes to Akron
General Tire started on Sep. 29, 1915. It started big rubber industry in Akron. General Tires produced Tires and rubber. This brought jobs and money to Akron. Akron was then known as the Rubber City. -
World war 1 ends
There were over 17 million deaths in total when the war ended. The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the counties involved. Germany would now be placed under close watch.