History Final Project

  • Period: to


    Prohibition was the outlawing of alcohol during the 20s, but it led to a rise of organized crime in illegally distributing alcohol. Eventually, it was reverted to allow taxation on the distribution of alcohol.
  • Hoover's election

    Hoover will bring prosperity to all! The 31st president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, has been elected and promises to eliminate poverty and accelerate technological advancements.
  • The Mexican Repatriation Act begins

    The Mexican Repatriation Act begins
    The Mexican Repatriation Act deported many Americans of Latin descent to lower competition in the workforce, but it also reduced the number of available laborers significantly.
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl was a massive dust storm across the midwest because of poor agricultural techniques which made agriculture nearly impossible and forced many people to move.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was a protective economic act that taxed goods from other countries to hopefully foster the American economy by lowering foreign competition. This ultimately led to the U.S. economy declining with the global economy.
  • The Hoover Dam is Constructed

    The Hoover Dam is Constructed
    The Hoover Dam began construction in 1931 as a massive project to generate energy, protect the farmers downriver, and to provide job opportunities,
  • Hoovervilles are set up

    Hoovervilles are set up
    Hoovervilles, or shanty towns, were evidence of the impacts of the depression on veterans and many others.
  • Bonus Army Marches on Washington

    Bonus Army Marches on Washington
    The Bonus Army was a group of veterans who were struggling and needed their promised wartime bonuses, so they marched on the capital in protest.
  • FDR's election

    FDR's election
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Franklin Roosevelt promises the newly reopened banks are trustworthy. A handful of banks will be reopened with federal assistance to protect the livelihoods of Americans.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    The AAA sought to help farmers by reducing surplus to increase prices and assisting with farmers' mortgages. This ultimately raised farmers' incomes by nearly 50 percent, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court because it controlled agriculture, so a revised version was released in 1938.
  • Establishment of the TVA

    Alphabet Soup Continues! The newly established TVA will have the power to own land as part of the executive branch of the government for the sake of the preservation of natural resources.
  • The Glass-Steagall Act

    The Glass-Steagall act increased the stability of banks by separating commercial and investment banks so that people putting their money into commercial banks were not at risk of the banks losing money in stock speculation.
  • The PWA is established

    The PWA is established
    The Public Works Administration was set up to provide employment and stimulate the economy during the Great Depression. It focused on large public works and developing infrastructure, allowing to greatly advance America while also helping the economy build back up. A map of PWA works has been provided below.
  • The Reciprocal Tariff Act

    The Reciprocal Tariff Act
  • The Wagner Act 1

    The Wagner act has just been passed! this act will give extensive rights to laborers. Officially named the National Labor Relations Act, it will give the federal government control over labor relations through a 3 person National Labor Relations Board. This will help with unions, collective bargaining, and increase wages.
  • The Wagner Act 2

    Collective bargaining will give unions considerably more power. Because of the Wagner act, the National Labor Relations Board can decide when an appropriate amount of people are present to make use of collective bargaining. This will enable collective bargaining to be applied in much more reasonable cases, and hopefully level the playing field between employers and employees.
  • The Wagner Act 3

    Unions have also been given more power as a result of the Wagner act, allowing more people to join them and for unions to generally improve the overall economic climate. The right to conduct secret ballots regarding the forming and joining of unions in the workforce. Unions will also gain significant power to negotiate with employers, and Unions favored by employees will be guaranteed the ability to negotiate with employees.
  • The Wagner Act 4

    The Wagner Act will lead to economic stability from the workers up. Empowered workers in a union have more purchasing power and can increase the flow of commerce. Unions will protect workers from hazardous employment tactics and improve the quality of life and economic influence of the middle class.
  • Social Security is Established

    Social Security was a system designed to provide more general welfare for senior citizens and more financial security. Those over the age of 65 could receive insurance to provide continued income after retirement.
  • FDR Attempts Court Packing

    FDR Attempts Court Packing
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act

    Children have been banned from developing character through work!
    The newly passed Fair Labor Standards Act has outlawed children from working in addition to forcing employers to pay their workers extra.
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies