History Final

  • Manifesting Destiny

    Manifesting Destiny
    America believed that they were destined to manifest the continent. It gave young America more land and resources but conflicts raised with indigenous people.
  • Period: to

    US History

  • Civil Rights Bill

    Civil Rights Bill
    This was the first federal attempt to constitutionally define all American-born residents as citizens.
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    The Knights of Labor were a labor union that played a heavy role in advocating for workers rights. They made great efforts for better working conditions, eight hour workdays, and to end child labor.
  • Rockefeller Standard Oil

    Rockefeller Standard Oil
    John D. Rockefeller started a company called standard oil. This company was a monopoly due to the company's use of tactics and methods to either buy competing companies in the oil industry or force them out of business, which would bring customers to Rockefeller's company and improve his profit.
  • The Panic of 1873

    The Panic of 1873
    The Panic of 1873 was a severe economic impact to the United States which was started by the bankruptcy of the banking firm Jay Cookie & Company and collapse of the stock market.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike showcased the role of labor unions in representing workers interests, and took place at one of the largest steel companies in the Carnegie Steel Company.
  • Ford Invents the Assembly Line

    Ford Invents the Assembly Line
    Henry Ford played a big part in the Automotive industry in America with his invention of the Model T, which was an affordable car for many people. Ford also invented the assembly line which allows cars to be made in mass production and bring jobs to thousands of unemployed people.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    During WWI, Germany sent a telegram to Mexico asking if they would like to take back the territory America stole from them. America intercepted the telegram which ultimately led them to the decision to join the Triple Entente in defeating Germany.
  • The Scottsboro Trial

    The Scottsboro Trial
    Nine African American boys were falsely accused and convicted of raping two white women. The case of the Scottsboro boys lasted more than 80 years, helping to spur the Civil Rights movement.
  • Inauguration of FDR

    Inauguration of FDR
    The inauguration of FDR was crucial in American History because of his new deal policies which brought reform to the financial system, provide relief to the poor, and to recover the economy back to a stable state.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese planned a surprise aerial attack on a US naval base called Pearl Harbor, which sank 21 ships, destroyed 188 aircraft, while also killing over 2,400 Americans and wounding another 1,100. This attack pulled America into WWII.
  • The Beginning of the Cold War

    The Beginning of the Cold War
    This day marks the start of a long and very impactful economic war between the USA and USSR.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Western allies came together and started a massive airlift in order to counter the Berlin blockade by the Soviet regime. This allowed for food, fuel, and other supplies to be delivered into West Berlin by plane.
  • Betty Jean Owens' Trial

    Betty Jean Owens' Trial
    Four white men in Tallahassee, Florida, crept up to a car containing four African Americans. They forced the two African American men to drive away, leaving the two African American girls with the four men. One of the girls, Edna Richardson, managed to break free of the men and run away. This led to Betty Jean Owens being raped seven times by the four white men. When Owens spoke up about what happened, the local black community came to her defense, which led to her rapists being convicted.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    Malcolm X gave a speech about police brutality. He makes it a point to talk about how important loving yourself is and how that affects the way you (African Americans) deal with oppression.
  • Fannie Lou Hamer Speech

    Fannie Lou Hamer Speech
    Fannie Lou Hamer and 17 others attempted to register to vote in Indianola. On their way, police stopped and harassed them, which led to Hamer and only one other person being able to register to vote. Hamer joined civil rights movements after this and dedicated her life to getting African Americans the right to vote.
  • Kennedys Assassination

    Kennedys Assassination
    JFK’s assassination had an impact on not only the security measures to protect people of high power, but also in US politics when Lyndon B Johnson succeeded Kennedy and had to endure the challenges and stress caused by the cold war and civil rights movement at that time.
  • Troops to Vietnam

    Troops to Vietnam
    America started to send troops to South Vietnam to aid them in combat against the spread of communism provided by the USSR. This war fueled a division in society in America and the financial burden that will hurt the economy due to the high amounts of money America spent on the war.
  • Watergate

    The Watergate scandal destroyed the trust the public had with the government because of the amount of illegal activity, like the break-in at the democratic headquarters in an attempt to cover up the abuse of executive power which contributed to the sense of betrayal.
  • Carter Doctrine

    Carter Doctrine
    The Carter doctrine declared that the United States would employ military force against any country that attempted to gain control of the Persian Gulf region. Carter wanted to protect the free flow of oil in the Persian Gulf and was a response to the soviet union invading Afghanistan.