
History class timeline 2017-2018

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration was signed July 2nd, 1776. A 12 by 18 foot oil-on canvas painting that depicts the Declaration of Independence.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This purchase was between the U.S and France. The U.S acquired approximately 827,000 miles of land. He purchased $0.3 an acre. The U.S bought land west of the Mississippi River
  • Train

  • Lewis and Clark Journey

    Lewis and Clark Journey
    This journey lasted for 2 years. The quest was lead by Lewis and Clark and the Natives helped guide. The Journey was taking place in the Western part of the United States.
  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    This was a Rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos in putting armed resistance to the centralist government of mexico.
  • Telegraph

  • Donnor Party

    Donnor Party
    It was a group of pioneers that were setting out for California, but got in a bad situation. They took a "shortcut" but there carriage broke in the mountains. They had to stay there in the freezing cold dying slowly. When the kids died they ate them to stay alive
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    This event lasted 7 years. James Marshall found gold at Stutters Mill, California. The word spread and everyone came to Cali to mine for gold. It brought 300,000 people to Cali and it raised the U.S's popularity and economics.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The civil was fought in the United States. It was a war about the controversy over slavery. It lasted from April 12th, 1861 to May 9th, 1865.
  • Telephone

  • Electric Light bulb

    Electric Light bulb
  • Automobile

  • Radio

  • Airplane

  • Television

  • Attack of the Pearl Harbor

    Attack of the Pearl Harbor
    It was a surprise military attack. The Japaneses bombed a very large ship in Pear harbor Hawaii.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The North Vietnamese were trying reunify Vietnam. They viewed that as colonial war against forces from France, later then the United States came in and that's how it all started. The war lasted 20 years
  • VCR

  • The Apple 2 Computer

    The Apple 2 Computer
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
  • 9/11

    9/11 was one of the most heartbreaking things to ever happen to America. Almost 3,000 people died on that day. Terrorist hijacked planes and blew up three places, New York Twin towers, Pittsburgh, The Octagon.
  • My Birthday!

    My Birthday!
    I was born on 1/23/04 at 8:15 AM