History Civil War Timeline

By PeterD
  • Declaration of Independence

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation

  • Constitution Convention

  • Constitution

    The Constitution, the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the U.S., was ratified after the Constituional Convention was completed. It gave the framework for a new form of governement that was based on the ideas of democracy, instead of being ruled by a king. It lays out a plan involving 3 sections of government, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial Branches. It has been ammended 27 times.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    During the Constitutional Convention, Southerners wanted slaves to count as people in deciding the number of represenatives a state gets. Northerners wanted slaves to not count as people for that purpose. Because of this, they decided on a compromise: each slave would count as 3/5 of a person in choosing represenatives. This was one of the many famous compromises that had to be made to ensure that everyone was happy with the Constitution.
  • States Rights

  • Bill of Rights

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Cotton Gin

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Nationalism

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Doctrine of Nullification

  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

  • The Underground Railroad

  • Mexican-American War

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Kansas Nebraska Act

  • Dred Scott Decision

  • John Brown's Raid

  • Election of 1860

  • Period: to

    Civil War