I was born on april, 20, 1848. I was born in china. I did not have a very good child hood whats so ever. I hope that when I have kids their life isn't like the way mine was. I am going to do whatever I can to do that. Well now let's see how my life will turn out. -
Came To The U.S
I am coming to the U.S to start a new life and hope for some more money. I am coming through angel island. Most people come from New York. I am not because I am chinease so I don't go there I go to Angel Island. I hope to build my life here in this country. I want to start a new life due to the war that is starting in my country. It was a wild trip over here. I met a little more people on the way over here. -
Got A Job
I finally got a job. It took a little bit because the people here don't like me. Every job that I tried to get I couldn't because no one likes me here. I don't know if it's because I look different or what but no one likes me here so I had a hard time trying to find a job. I will be making money now so maybe I can buy a home. My job is okay I mean it is my first job so i like it. Anyway to make money is a good thing. -
Buy A Farm
Wow man didn't it take a long time? I finally bought a house/farm and I am ready to start and meet new people. Maybe they can help me on the farm. I got plenty of neighbors so I can easily make new friends. I will see if they want to come and join my farm to help me grow my crops and stuff. I need to learn myself on how to grow stuff. Because they less things I don't know how to grow as much stuff as i should. -
Met Friends
I finally met some friends. They said they would help me with my farm. I am new at this so I don't really know how to do this. They will help me because they are my neighbors and I don't know how to farm that well. I hope I can get the hang of this fast or I will need help a lot. I met some friends at work and on this farm. My work is my farm. -
I am dead now. My life wasn't 100% what I wanted but I did better then what I thought that I would do. So now that I am gone I sold my farm. My neighbor bought my farm. I wasn't quite sure how to thank him for all of his help so I gave him my farm. I am gone. Have a better life then what I did.